
11,872 Game Reviews

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It was a good board, good quality sounds and i like the pics, a great movie T3 is, and not a bad board this is, it would be great with some little animations of some sort though, nice job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: T3 sound board=good...


((( HEH )))

It was fun, i t was kinda neat starting from the otherside. and i like some of the music choice, i just love the audio portal, great backround colors, controls they came out ok, a fun game, and what this other flash your working on any hints???...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fun, good music, and more fun...


Goatchrist responds:

I am working on a movie series. It's called "Dead Planet" but it's damn hard :( I'm quite a beginner with movies...I hope I'll finish it

It was ok

Well it was ok, kinda simple shooter up, i like the backround though, good sounds made it an ok game, it did get kinda chppy though, but i had fun with it. Fun, shooter but still abit simple...


((( WOW )))

Wow that was some mad art and skills, i mean its like really playing a game on ps2 or somthing, the colors were so deep it just made the character so much better, and the level of game play was awsome, i just cant get over how well this game is, its almost perfect, and why doesnt this game have an award sheesh, if this wasnt enough for the top five what was, well anyways great game it is the best i have seen since mario bros...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Best game since mario bros...


((( NICE )))

Nice work, the colors and backround really showed good detail, the ball kinda moved too slow, but maybe thats what you wanted, and the controls were abit hard to figure out atfirst but i got to them, noce job on a classic game...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fun game with great design set up...


((( FUN GAME )))

Hey that was a very fun game, it gets better with each bread lvl hehe, i really like how its with a top view, good job, and good scripting, a fun and entertaining game...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: fun and entertaing for the whole family...


((( HAHA )))

Good game, but what does it mean when i have over 200 tries, lol j/k it was fun lots to remember aswell, maybe give it some sorta design on the black part for a better looking interface, anyways good game...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fun, and mind use...



Hahaaha, that was unique and different, not your normal dress up, but it works out just fine, might want to add more fingers and blood for that better effect hehe, and maybe a way to eat it, nice job though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Make a sandwich...


((( COOL )))

Ha that was cute, good graphics, it could have used a few mor renditions, but the graphics were superb with great style and a good likeness to ozzy, nice work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Ozzy smith fest lol...


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