
11,872 Game Reviews

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Ok notnad so it was cool to shoot ghosts this as a first person shootere but also as duke nukem style was pretty good and an interesting little game here good one, One of your better games actually


An interesting game here and i like the idea here, So this was an interesting game you have here, It brings a different perspective on the game of soccor and the medals are a really nice addition to this game even its all a positive element and I think you should have some type of upgrades on the balls and such, just an idea though


Kind of simple game you have created here, So this was kind of a simple game you have here its pretty entertaining though, The medals are nice and very easy to obtain, you should make some medals go from easy to moderate to harder to obtain but anyways this was a decent little game you have here kind of fun and silly at the same time


Good game you have created here Fun game you have here, the controls were nice and smooth, and the shooting was good, the color tone could have had a mixture and more color but it was still cool, a fun and addictive game so nice work keep it up and make more of these types of games


Not bad of a puzzle game here some nice systems and interesting aspects here, The direction of moving was different, the ability to move diagonally would've been something interesting though, Its hard to get every single coin etc but still a fun lil game here


A good helicpter game here but doesnt have enough content the visuals are nice the bomb explosions are nice and good game just needs much more on this one anyways entertainng


LOL well if they dont get more wild then this Then I dont know but it was entertaining the audo was good, and the visuals are simple but thats what makes it entertaining


This one here has some potential about it you bring some fun explosions here wish there was more levels and achievments and medals though, But it was a fun one and has some potential


Heh you really do make some strange one but again creative and different they just lack more options like this one could have even more tools and such, anyways it was fun


This here was another confusing game but found it entertaining and fun little eye ball on this one these games are entertaining but do seem to need much more content and interactivity


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