
11,872 Game Reviews

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Differant but i like it

Well i like this, not only was it something differant because i dont think i have seen a game as a jockey, but it was actually abit of fun, could use some more features but i really had fun with this, the controls could still use some tweaking something more simple.

Fun and differant kinda game, keep up the good work


Simple yet fun

A simple game but yet i found some fun in it, allthough i enjoy all types of casino games and such, but still i thought you could have done better maybe adding some new twist of your own to really make it your own style and not the basic card game it is, maybe adding some sorta mini game feature would really open that up, anyways i still found this to be an entertaining game.

Add something new to make it neat and differant from just the basic


Trippy game and entertaining

Now here is a fun and trippy game, the "CONTROLLS" were confusing but as soon as i figured out that it got fun and even "ADDICTIVE" the graphics are superb and i give an A+ for that, the animation was smooth and right on so props to you on this one, as to things to fix or improve? i think its fine as is.

Nothing really to improve on this or make it a better game. maybe easier controls to understand but it was pretty understanding after a few trys.


That was interesting

That was an interesting game, i like the special effects, but i think they should be even more dazzling to the view, maybe something for you to work on later, but it was a decent game, maybe even make the "VIEW SCREEN" abit larger, anyways nice game

Add more dazzling effects and make the view screen larger


Nice game

Nice game you have here, i love the use of color like on the boxes and walls and stuff nice shades and really good detail, the "INTERACTIVITY" was nice aswell giving the viewer a nice game of play, good graphics and fun all rolled into one flash i really had fun with this.

You could make the "TEXT" somewhat larger it was kinda hard to read at first


hmmm interesting

Well i did have fun watching this, clocks are not so bad, this was kinda fun to think of it, i did however think it went by too fast, maybe you can slow it down abit for us older folks hehe, but regardless it was notbad at all, i look forward to more of your flashworks, keep up the decent work.

Keep up the interesting and decent flashworks


needs more

lol well it is somewhat entertaining with just the picture and all, but i would add more then just the picture, maybe add an assortmant of pictures and some changing backrounds with some sorta special effects might help on this one.

a few ideas i explained above hope they help


old but still entertaining

lol well it is enter taining, kinda funny, this is an ok sim but it lacks more features like a real computer has, but for the mostpart it is entertaining, so add some new features, maybe even make a vista version.

add more features like backround changer, and add some file options aswell


hmmm ook

its notbad but could use some fixing up such as, better sound/music. add more to the storyline, and abit more on art detail like with characters and such, its notbad just needs abit more effort.

more effort on detail and some improved sounds would be nice


ok but could be better

This was ok but i thought could be abit better, the characters were funny and so was the humor but i think for it to be better you need to bring more original idea more storyline of your own, but it was ok.

more effort on story next time


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