
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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Fun and good graphics

This was a fun game, with some good graphics the "CONTROLLS" were abit hard to figure out but i got it, just try and make the controls easier on the keyboard, anyways fun game, love the graphics

Better and smoother controlls are needed for this game, thats about it


Haha cute

Haha well you have a cute game here the dodging was nice and it was cute except when he was xed out lol. i would like to see some color in here though it would spice up the game, maybe even have the bouncing balled like differant colors

Add some color like with the house or the balls


Simple but its ok

Well this is simple but i was amused and entertained, the fly thing was ok it was not much challanging, i would like to suggest some other options to improve but even then this is more like a fun thing to just mess with

Suggestions to improve. Make it more challanging with lots to kill and much more to do and much more activity is needed


smooth game you have here

This was a nice and smooth running game, even when online version was activated the color is just right as its not overwelming so nice job indeed, keep up the good games

Make the animation run faster that is the only real issue i can think of to improve on this


Wow awsome code here

This was one damn good game, im not a fan of tennis but wow this was great the controls were good and the training mode was fun , you have a fun and addictive game here try and improve on it

Try and improve on this with faster runners more special hits wow great game


needs work

Hmmm well its OK but needs work the animation play seems abit on the slow side. Art wise could be better aswell. So better luck next time.

Needs some fine detailing


nice game

This was a nice game. Fun and it would be nice if it had some extra features and stuff maybe some spazy effects aswell. Anyways good game

Awesome game


zlix12 responds:


needs improving

This was so so. It does need some improving such as the drawings and such and animation could be there even that would make it better. Better luck next time

Needs some more ideas and some artwork improving


A fun clcik game

You have here a fun click and play game, and i must say the art and graphics was exceptional verywelldone there as for the game part it was fun but could use much more activity, but other then that it was really a fun game to play

A fun click and play game here


ryuuku responds:

w00t! Glad you think so highly! Quick question... could you elaborate on 'activity'? Do you mean more 'action' (higher speed... etc.) or do you mean more puzzles to solve... or something else? Just want to know what I should consider when working on the sequels!

Thanks again!

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