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wow very soothing

This was an awesome piece. Very soothing to the ears and relaxing at times seems as if you put lots of effort into this. Very nice track. Hope to hear more soon

Awesome track here


PenguinSam responds:

I am still trying to finish writing it, it's over 6 minutes long! And also, I am having trouble with conversions from WAV to MP3 lately, so that has to be fixed too.

I'm glad you like it, and there will be a final version eventually!


Very nice track

This was great, love how this sounds and seems like you put some time into this one, kinda loud at times and seems like it could be longer, but really the loudness really keeps me enjoying this one, so some advice to follow hope it helps, good luck on any new stuff coming out

Make it longer and with some new and exciting mixes of sounds, hope that can help to make this somewhat better but its already great as is


Decent sounding

Very nice job on this, it was very like the original wich i have heard from time to time and i must say you did an outstanding job to really bring this together so props on all the work to make this come alive

Advice to improve? nah you got it down just right, now make more great and amazing stuff for us,


Notbad of a loop

This was not a bad loop you did here, i thought it could be abit longer though also seems like it was lacking something that will give it that extra push and style that will generally make it go over the edge just abit anyways.

Add something new to it, to push it over the edge, and make it slightly longer


I like this one

A nice track here im suprised not many have reviewed it, the i like your style and this was kinda neat it seemed to all rythem well together, I wouldnt mind hearing some more of your stuff, anyways keep up the good tracks nice job overall

Nice track


Differant but i like it

Well this was differant its kinda unique in away, but has something to it, i think you still need to add abit more to it though, maybe some differant sounds that give it abit more unique sound to it, anyways its ok work

Improve on this with some new mixes of sounds and stuff, anyways nice track



Well its notbad, but i think it could be somewhat lower in filesize, but still its notbad,, maybe even clean it up somewhat, anyways decent but needs more work

Clean it up, more sharper sounding would be nice and a reduced file size wouldnt hurt


Its decent

This was actually a decent track here very pleasent and with abit of extra, i thought that it could be somewhat faster but that could just be what i like, but anyways good stuff

To improve i thought maybe you could speed it up abit maybe even reduce the filesize somewhat


Nice sounds

Very nice here, could be better like some sharper sounds and all but really it was soothing and took me back to some the games so welldone here, hope you make more and entertain us with your mixes

Maybe you could sharpen up the track abit and add some newer stuff to make it somewhat differant but other then that i enjoyed it


Wow i love it

wow now this was really differant, you really made something unique on here something the audio portal could use, so props to you on here

My advice to improve on something like this might be to add other instramental sounds somehow, anyways nice job


WarlordXMaster responds:

Thank you very much for the comment! I appreciate the feedback. =)

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