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This one was odd

So while it was odd it still had a unique sound, there are some "VOCALS" in there but you really cant hear them much, the music itself over draws the vocals, so maybe lower the music and raid the vocals up abit, but even at that the vocals were in need of more in-tune with everything else, so those are a few things that could be worked on, and with some more practice it could be better.

As mentioned more vocal practice to be in tune with everything would be nice, aswell as lowering the music and raising the vocal sounds.


Ok so this one was kind of strange and odd, and i guess if you were under the influence i guess i can understand it does have a unique feel and touch wich was kind of nice, but i wouldnt ming seeing you stretch this longer, More longer tones would be nice, The quality was kind of ba though there was alot of static in there, maybe thats something you can clear up aswell, there was just alot of it kinda ruined the feel of the tune aswell, but anyways it was an alright touch but could use some more effort.

Make it longer stretch it out more with some longer tones, There was clearly alot of static that can be cleared up, something to look into.


OK notbad tune it has an upbeat feel and keeps on pushing into a nice vibe, also has a very nice dance feel to it, so maybe in that sense of things you could make it so it has much more build up in a vibrant way, more upbeat especially as you get closer to the end of the beat to give it a good beat indeed, just an idea or two there but could use some nice ideas there, for more upbeat touch to it.

So a few ideas i have suggested here could help to improve on this and make it better but it does need a more upbeat touch.

Hmm this is interesting

I like what you have done here with something soft and has a nice flow of pleasent tunes and keeps going and flowing into something better so that was a nice touch i thought, it could use some drak and round tunes once in awhile just to change it up and such, for the most part its pretty good i thought. but anyways you have a good piece here and you should make more like this but this one does need more build up, anyways nice job here.

Needs more build up as mentioned, maybe some more unique sounds once in awhile aswell.

Very nice

OK so this one has a good sound here, the way it starts really gives the "TITLE" some credit here and makes it a stand alone track, then you add some other instraments and sound/fx to go along with kit wich make it really standout, and it does make some unique sounds comming around, i think the "PIANO" does best sound in this as it does give off that haunting feel, so very nice job all around on this, and i look forward to hearing more from you.

Hmm i think this was pretty solid, but maybe some more "PIANO" solo for more of that huanting feel, but besides that its pretty impressive all around

ok interesting

So not my fave here, it is kind of interesting and has a fast paced jump here and moves along pretty fast it seems, i wouldnt mind some slowing down parts here and there, but really i liked this as its fun and a good listen, and how can we improve on this not sure, but it is pretty good sofar, keep up the good work. hope to hear more from you soon.

Some slowing down of the rythem then maybe some build up with some deeper sounds would be something.

Was not expecting this

Well i was not expecting this, and i was for sure not expecting the "VOCALS" to come in so soon and strong, but i really love this tune the voclas are great very good quality and you have a sort of build up as you get more into the song, and the words are very fitting with the sound, so really nice job on this some good quality and so-on, As for improving tips, i think you have a solid piece here and dosent need any other additions or changes, nice work regardless.

so you have a high quality sound here great vocals, top notch and doesnt need any changes.

Wow i love this one.

This one tune right here was very catchy, the quality is pretty good and just has such a nice flow of rythem to it, really is a good and fun tune, i have saved it and added it as my fave, and will hope to use it in a flash someday its that good, as soon as the first note hit i was like wow awsome stuff indeed, cant wait to hear more of your stuff soon, anyways keep up the good work.

The onlything i could think with improving on this one would maybe be some longer depth to it.

And here was something nifty

This was a nifty tune has a sort of upbeat and good tune, good feel and good touch throughout, Kind of reminds me of the type of tune that would be in a game and a real good one aswell, I thought that the "GUITAR" played a good role and really made the tune, so good guitar it was great playing, So a nice tune you have here not sure i have anything as in improvments as you have a good solid tune and i liked what you have presented so keep up the fantastic tunes.

Like i said this was a pretty solid tune, doesnt need anymore changes then you have now, but just to add to something maybe more guitar effort and it will be even more solid then before.

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