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Well that was "AMUSING" it did sound like "FOAMY" so that was kind of cute very entertaining indeed, you should make a series of these and maybe relate it back to foamy but anyways a nice audio cliip here was very entertaining and I had some good fun with it so nice job indeed.

you should make a series of these and maybe relate it back to foamy


Good beat

Very nice beat on this one, you have a "DEEP" sound in this one and I really like the quality, this one seems like it needs a mixture of some drops maybe even a fade and build up process just an idea to ad to some mixture, And here was a cool tune, at first I didnt know what to expect but soon after as the music really kicked in it was actually pretty good and I really took a liking to it, so nice start to this as it shows lots of effort and a really interesting tune of sounds, But now that we are almost done here, I have to say this was pretty impressive nice style and would love to hear more of your work in the near future.

this one seems like it needs a mixture of some drops maybe even a fade and build up process just an idea to ad to some mixture


Very nice

So this is "VERY NICE" especially the "GUITAR" and "PIANO" you really know how to make this work and at a highh quality this one is one of my faves now and Im an instant fan, Maybe somewhere in the middle have it drop or fade out then you can slowly build it up again, anyways as always great work.

Maybe somewhere in the middle have it drop or fade out then you can slowly build it up again


Brostro responds:

thanks for the amazing feedback! <3 i will be sure to do that if i make any others like this

Wow really nice

I have to give you props on this one its got a good deep sound with some "TWISTS" mixed in the middle I do however think you could make this longer and some build ups ofcourse, You have a nice piece here presenting some interesting and unique vibes, and keeps one interested even wanting more, so nice effort on this track, Possibly the Finest of the day sofar, You have some nice results here with this piece, you really kicked this one up a notch or two and thats what I liked about it all, nice work here. but thats my Summary for this piece, Cant wait to se what else you make for us.

I do however think you could make this longer and some build ups ofcourse


GreyHooves responds:

Thank you for the tips and nice words. Yeah, the length is always something I struggle with for the One Hour Compos. I'd like to say I'm improving in that aspect, but it honestly feels pretty random most of the time XD

Build ups though eh? I rarely even think about the different sections and elements when I'm composing these things, I mostly just write note by note until I'm satisfied with the result. I suppose that's something I can improve on :P

Nice beat

So this was a nice beat you have here, I like the "SLOW-BEAT" you have it is a nice rythem too for fourty five seconds didnt seem all that long but I have enjoyed it for waht it is, Now my opinion might be to ad more sounds and different mixtures of sounds and such, anyways keep making great stuff.

Now my opinion might be to ad more sounds and different mixtures of sounds and such


Wow Very nice

wow Im an "INSTANT" fan on this piece here its just brilliant right from the start it just takes off and the "SOUND" just speaks volums so very welldone on this piece I loved every bit of it, As some form of improvment maybe a drop in the middle or a coule so you could build it up somehow, And once again I have come across a nice track here, cant say its perfect but it has some good points about that and for any bad points well all that can be fixed up and improved but as for this I like what you have started here. So keep at it, you got it down, And the end here with this one but before I go I would like to say this was different but the sounds had me going, so nice effort there.

As some form of improvment maybe a drop in the middle or a coule so you could build it up somehow



Well this was for sure something "DIFFERENT" but this does need more mixture in it maybe add some fancy sound F/X in the back end and some type of build up into some deeper drum points, but I like how this is different just wish you added more to it, anyways nice work here.

this does need more mixture in it maybe add some fancy sound F/X in the back end and some type of build up into some deeper drum points


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