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So this was something else and you do have that "VIDEO-GAME" sound I like what you did at "1:16 - 1:18" it was a tiny drop and back up you should do much more of that throughout the tune, other then all that said you have a nice track and tune here so keep up the solid music.

I like what you did at "1:16 - 1:18" it was a tiny drop and back up you should do much more of that throughout the tune


Love the quality

And here was some nice quality you really pushed the limits on this one, it feels like it needs an intense drop and push with some louder and more domminant points, And here we have a fun piece with some good quality on the table, and you have pushed all fronts on this one with some very impressive sounds and a mix and variaty that brings this all frontward with some good success, Well a track like this is always pleasent, sometimes you never know what to expect but this one came out good, theres some extras that could be added but for the most this was alright.

it feels like it needs an intense drop and push with some louder and more domminant points


Cool stuff

so this was some cool "STUFF" I like the voice stuff that was in there and gave this a real kick, I dont feel like you need to change anything about this piece it is its own artistic piece, You have some nice sound with some nice rythem on it, anyways nice work on this one.

I dont feel like you need to change anything about this piece it is its own artistic piece


Very nice

So this was a very nice sound and I just love the "QUALITY" of this one, but I do feel like this was too straight forward and needed some twists and turns matbe build up some intense moments or even fading out, Its fantastic pieces like this that I love finding in the portal, you dont hear stuff like this everyday and glad I did find this one, So for the mostpart you have done alot with this, you have made your own direction and created your own style and path, This was like a Jolt of Passionate creativity and its a Goldmine you have here. just make sure to try new things and invest in the best possible monitoring environment.

I do feel like this was too straight forward and needed some twists and turns matbe build up some intense moments or even fading out


AlxEllis responds:

Hi Wayne! thanks very much for your kind words and detailed feedback. And I agree!, I really wish I could find more stuff like this on the net to listen to!

Now I definitely have to do a longer Version 2 of this trac! :D


Well I have to say as soon as this started "PLAYING" it was and insta fave and I added it to my faves list, the guitar or what I think is guitar is beautifull and was very soothing, you really have some nice talent and it shows off well, keep up the amazing work and sound.

no changes just make more beautiful sounds.



Alright you have showcased some nice talent the ambient is soft but builds up My thing is I think it need more intense build up and more mix of different sounds added, A pleasent piece if I ever heard one myself, and you put in the time and effort to really bring out the best in the hidden sounds, Alright so nice track almost feels like its missing something but cant pin point it, But on a positive, I like the vibe here and theres a lot of variation in this. It progresses nicely and gets better as it goes along, so nice work here and some nice sound.

My thing is I think it need more intense build up and more mix of different sounds added



So this was a cool piece and does have a "MADNESS" feel to it with some nice sounds with an upbeat tempo allowing for some action with a madness related moment so props to you for that aspect of things, I have no input for improvment at this time for this one as its solid and top notch in my book, keep making more of these great songs.

I have no input for improvment at this time for this one as its solid and top notch in my book


Really cool

Very intense here, love the sound on this one my small tip here might be to have some added sound of mixture in there maybe something in the backend with an ambient feel wouldnt need to take away from your main piece just as an added back end progression, Cool tune you have created here for us all here on the portal and these kinds are really nice as its just a nice track and I like what you came up with, This one here was an amazing piece with some great sound, filled with lots of energy and style most of this I have already mentioned but you do have a nice track here, maybe some added mixture would also be a nice touch.

my small tip here might be to have some added sound of mixture in there maybe something in the backend with an ambient feel wouldnt need to take away from your main piece just as an added back end progression



I have to say as soon as I heard this one it sends off a strange yet "UNIQUE" vibe about it and you really push the slow tempo here and has some very nice mixture throughout, I do think if you made it fade out on some points might ad to that unique style, but as always this is the end of the review.

I do think if you made it fade out on some points might ad to that unique style



So this one has a unique sound here I love the robotic vocals in there you made it sound really different and thats what I really liked about this piece so nice job there, My advice is just make more of these unique pieces, Some stuff like this tends to be hard to review because theres just so much talent and the intense style such as this one you have done here. its Excellently created and to me is a Goldmine its almost like a Jolt of lightning and I, was Intrigued with the whole piece, Alright so I could see this being used in a number of movies and games, and you have a nice little track here with some great promise.

My advice is just make more of these unique pieces


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