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Nice story here you have some good ideas in this story telling theme here and I was pretty impressed with it, These kinds of audio are different but "I-FIND-THEM-TO-BE-UNIQUE" because of the story and such, "YOU-DO-MAKE-IT-COME-ALIVE" and thats why I like this as much as I do.

This was a good story no changes needed


Missxminder responds:

Thank you so much!

Really nice

So this was some really nice sound you have made here some really good quality too some really nice element of sounds and all brauggt together to make for a good tune I for sure would love to hear more like this

Make more



So this was something nice I like the giggle you had in there it was a nice sound and had some good quality about it the dance element here was nice and you showcased this really well so nice job I hope you make more


Very nice

So you have some nice quality here with this one, you have some great talent, I find that this is fine as is, One Of A Kind and so thats what I would call this one a one of a kind piece with lots of quality added on and some interesting twists that you ad and make this one of a kind theme here.

I find that this is fine as is


DJVI responds:

Thank you very much for the review! 😀

As always great audio

Really nice has a sort of mortal combat sound as it goes into the later ends of it, no changes needed on this piece here, So as always you have done some of the best and most intense music here on the audio portal and have made somany great tracks this one is pretty solid work and a great sound, You are very talented and I remember when you posted lots of great music tracks.

no changes needed on this piece here


A good find of audio

For sure has a nice mario themed sound here I really liked it so nice job indeed, would have liked if this was a tad longer, Glad to find this one among all your great audio pieces you really know how to make some of the best music on here with all the "GREAT-SOUNDS-AND-EFFECTS" that go with it all, the quality is as always amazing and you bring some "VERY-NICE-AUDIO" to the portal.

would have liked if this was a tad longer


Awsome audio find

This one was somewhat different but I like it, would for sure loved to see this longer and more build up aswell, You make some of the best music on here with all the great sounds and even effects that go with it all, and this was such a great audio find among all "THE-PORTAL-OF-MUSIC", but yours brings some nice quality and is "UNIQUE-IN-A-DIFFERENT-WAY" so really nice job here.

would for sure loved to see this longer and more build up aswell


Awsome sound

F-777 its always great to hear some sharp and good quality sound here I really like the sound work here, some awsome sound here and love the quality of it you bring something unique to the table and I always love hearing your work so nice job indeed.

would have loved a more intense build up here


Very sharp

For a drum N Bass entry this was some very solid depth you really bring in a nice build up here, so no major changes on this one, some very sharp sound here can never go wrong with some great stuff with ParagonX9 its always great to hear some sharp and good quality sound here I really like the sound work here, you bring some deep quality sound and it shows here today so nice job all around.

you really bring in a nice build up here, so no major changes on this one


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