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This was a dark piece

So this was a dark piece you have here and it being like a dream was an interesting take you have some good skills and you showcase it well so nice job indeed here I like it I hope you make more stuff like this one

Nice one make more soon


Mario theme Cool stuff

Wow this was very crisp and sharp great sound here, A solid piece no changes needed, So this here was a nice little theme of mario brothers and friends ofcourse you have a nice sound here on this one and there was some good quality to this, it has some good ups and downs but most of all this was a nice track you have here so nice job here.

A solid piece no changes needed



So this was kind of nice I like the soft sound and the bells and chimes that I hear in this piece you have some nice sound pieces here and it is really nice its soothing and nice a pleasent piece if I ever said so anyways nice job on this one I look forward to more.

Could be longer


Wow nice

Wow I have to say this was some nice work here some really nice quality to it with a nice vibe and stylish sound you really know how to make some nice sounds and it shows off well here some great sounds on this one so nice job indeed I like your style of works here and you have a certain quality you bring to the table and I like it so do make more like this as it's some solid work indeed anyways keep it real and I don't have any changes for you on changing anything here

I don't feel you need to change anything at this time


Well nice stuff

Well this was some nice stuff you have here I like the vibe I like the quality of it and you have a really nice style with this piece I do think it could be longer though more depth too but anyways I liked what you have created

Some added depth and could be longer


Wow nice

So this was a nice piece here and of long but that was a good piece about it you really make some solid work here the sound quality is good you bring some nice flavor to this aswell you have some good depth aswell overall a nice piece here and I look forward to even more

Make more like this it was some solid work


SymbolCymbal responds:

WOW. i made this 11 years ago. Didn't expect to find a new review on it. Im really glad you liked it. At the time i had just gotten reason 3.0 and decided to mess around with all the synths it has to offer and ended up making a song out of it. This is one of my favorite pieces i made because i didnt restrict myself with any path at all and just kept writing whatever came to mind as i went along with whatever synth i felt like experimenting with. i havent listened to this in a while. while ill admit the mixing is pretty terrible hearing this again gives me a bit of inspiration. Thank you for reminding me about this and im very glad you enjoyed it. again thank you for the review!


So this was cool I like the vibe of this piece you really gave it a nice style about it all you have some nice flavor about it you really have a good vibe of things in this tune you have a nice element about it all I was pleased with it all

No changes it is some solid work here


Nice Demo

Wow very nice this is one deomo that doesnt need any changes but was nice to review the voice work, So this was a nice demo reel of your voice and you can hear the different sounds of it I think this is a great piece for others to view if they ever wanted to hire some voices so with that said it was a pleasure to hear some interesting voice work here and hope you continue.

this is one deomo that doesnt need any changes but was nice to review the voice work


Nice audio

So this was really nice I love how you started this off and had the piano on this, really nice work here, seems like you could have even some fades and then build ups but overall this was some nice work, so keep doing what you do as this was amazing work.

seems like you could have even some fades and then build ups but overall this was some nice work


A nice demo

Well that was interesting it seems like it could be longer and more variations, but overall it was nice, This indeed is a nice demo reel here you have showcased your talents of your voice and made it flow like honey so very nice work there I love demo reels it allows me to hear all the many and great voices and voice work itself so nice job indeed I hope you make more soon.

seems like it could be longer and more variations, but overall it was nice


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