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A nifty sound

You have a nifty little sound here, it was very short though so I would suggest making this piece longer more mixture and tempos changes on your instraments, you really have something that could be better just gotta take it in with some depth and make it longer so keep that in mind.

I would suggest making this piece longer more mixture and tempos changes on your instraments


This was notbad

This was actually notbad had some nice sound on here but sounded groggy or muffled not sure if that was the intent also this could be longer overall this was really nice work and some decent sound here I would love to hear more of this anyways nice job here.

Possibly longer



so at first this wouldnt play but after comming to it another day it workd somewhat but I do hear some saxophone in there but you need to build up the tempo on this one, and make this longer even, you have a nice sound just needs some work and time put in.

you need to build up the tempo on this one, and make this longer even



So this sound was rather slow, but I found it to be kind of interesting now there are some points you could probably speed up the tempo just a bit so its not all straight forward and such, but regardless this was a pretty cool sound you have here just needs a little mixing up.

there are some points you could probably speed up the tempo just a bit so its not all straight forward


Very nice

Now this was nice indeed, I think thats a guitar in there and has a really good vibe about things so nice work on this one, I like the style and like how its a little heavy wouldnt mind if this was a tad bit more heavier, but besides that you have some really good talent on your hands.

wouldnt mind if this was a tad bit more heavier


Nice I like it

Wow this one was pretty deep in sound I do think you need more quality pushed into it and some more depth as adding more frames to this to make it a tad bit longer and such, You have a good idea here with the drums but would love this to be much longer and such.

I do think you need more quality pushed into it and some more depth as adding more frames to this to make it a tad bit longer and such


nice beat

So this was a pretty good beat you have here some really nice sound and just a fun beat you pushed on this one I really liked it but as for twenty nine seconds I thaught it could be longer or something and have more depth to it, it was pretty good though and a nice sound here.

I thaught it could be longer or something and have more depth to it


Another cool beat

so this was another great beat you have here, the quality is great the speed is at a good tempo but its that this was just too short and could have much more depth some added frames of sound and whatnot but for the mostpart this was a really nice piece of sound work you have here

just too short and could have much more depth some added frames of sound and whatnot


Amazing work

Now I will say that this was some amazing sound you have here the flavor was awesome the voice that was in here was amazing work really unique and different and you really added some nice instrament sounds that made it work and flow with ease so really awesome job as always this was a plus of things I really enjoyed the unique style and great talent here anyways make more soon

Such a beautiful flowing piece don't feel like it needs a change


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