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This was nice

So this was pretty nice it has a slow start and that built up well with some nice flavour about it you really made for some nice sound here I wouldnt mind for some faster build up and tempo change as it builds up, anyways great sound here keep up the amazing sound.

I wouldnt mind for some faster build up and tempo change as it builds up


Unigodspawn responds:

Thanks! I'll keep it in mind, but the concept for this song (which will turn into an EP) it's to transmit a really chill and quite melancolic feeling.

Really nice

So there was a really nice beat here you have some really good sound and the rythem was really solid this is one piece that I wouldnt mind being longer or some sorts like that so nice job here and hope you make more great sound pieces like this one as it was some solid sound and good vibe

this is one piece that I wouldnt mind being longer or some sorts like that


Nice sound

So this was a nice and soft sound you have here very pleasent the way it starts out and flows along very good sound here, I actually wouldnt mind if this was a tad bit longer but overall still some nice sound here, keep up the good work here anyways untill next time.

I actually wouldnt mind if this was a tad bit longer but overall still some nice sound here


Very nice

So this was nice it was a nice sound didnt seem fast enough but the guitar was nice and you had a good vibe on it but the faster tempo could be implemented into this to really give it that fast paced feel of it all, anyways nice work here I like it.

the faster tempo could be implemented into this to really give it that fast paced feel of it all


I love the deep sound

So this was some nice deep sounds in this but wish there was some added mixture in there but regardless this was actually pretty good stuff you have some amazing sound here some great detail in this tune I do wish this was a bit longer anyways nice job.

I do wish this was a bit longer, wish there was some added mixture in there


Nice piano

This was some nice piano you have here the piano plays fluently and pushes some nice quality about it the onlything I think you need changes on is that this could be louder maybe some added tempo changes and such, but besides all that mentioned you have done some nice work here.

could be louder maybe some added tempo changes and such


Very nice

So this was some very nice sound it almost has a sci-fi futureistic sound about it and something I could see and use in a sci-fi animation you have some good work here, great sound but wish it could be longer and more depth to it anyways keep up the great work as always.

wish it could be longer and more depth to it



So first off this was a beautiful track and I even added it as one of my faves its a solid piece of work you have some great sound here, it has a really nice build up aswell you really bring on some quality so nice tempo too, hope you make more this was awsome, anyways keep up the amazing work.

hope you make more this was awsome



So this was a nice sound here a good deep sound at that you bring on some nice quality aswell you have some interesting tempo too so with this piece I feel there is no need for any changes on this track its some solid work really nice sound anyways keep up the good work.

I feel there is no need for any changes on this track its some solid work


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