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And another nice piece you have here very nice flavour of sound here with this piece it has a fast beat and rythem and thats pretty nice I like your style and with this particular entery there is no major changes needed you do some amazing sound work.

there is no major changes needed you do some amazing sound work


Very nice

So there was some nice beats in this one some really cool vibe about it I do wish there was a faster build up and tempo but for the mostpart this was a solid piece of sound, you should think about making more like this as it was a nice tune you have some nice talents.

I do wish there was a faster build up and tempo but for the mostpart this was a solid piece of sound


Very good

So this was really nice I like the vibe and flavor of it all some really cool sound in this one I like the style and energy you pushed forward into this one a really good vibe of sound so do make more soon so untill next time keep up the good work

Make more like this


SkyeWint responds:


Haven't been on here for awhile so I didn't see your review. Thanks for it much, I'm pretty happy with the general vibe and feel of the track here. Definitely do plan to make more ambient at some point, though I've definitely got a few different ideas atm.


So this was a nice beat here with some nice rythem about it you gave it some decent rythem to it it just sounds really nice I like the sound here some really cool flavor and style about it I like your energy in this one anyways keep it up


TSRBand responds:

Thanks for that! Happy you liked it :)

Very nice

And once again you have some nice rythem and tempo here some really good vibe and flavour that made this fun I like your element here and some smooth ideas that make this fun no major changes here you have some good tunes anyways nice job indeed.

no major changes here you have some good tunes anyways nice job



So here was something nice here I love the rythem and beat here on this one you really know how to brin in the sounds on this one and make it work the sound just jumps out at you and you make it a fun experience with the tempo so really nice job here.

no changes per say it was some solid work.


Very intense

So this was pretty nice and was very intense on the sound, really has a nice start up aswell and while im writing this the sound is flowing through and also congrats on the award for this piece a well deserving award and there for no changes are needed it was a solid sound piece.

no changes are needed it was a solid sound piece



So this was a nice little tune you have here it seemed really fast and you seem to have a nice sound there would love a slow down and a build up of it all, anyways nice sound here it was a good feel to it too anyways keep up the good work you have.

it seemed really fast and you seem to have a nice sound there would love a slow down and a build up of it all


Wow intense

So this was an intense sound you have created here you have really made an intense feel here and a great theme as well I love the flavor of it all you really know how to make good sounds here I hope you make even more like this one it was nice and solid stuff

Make more beautiful sound


Very nice

So this was a very nice tune you have here I really liked the theme feel of it all and you made it fun so I suggest you make more it was really long but that was ok with me I like your style here anyways nice track here keep at it


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