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Well this was pretty good I like this because it kind of sounds like a version of mortal kombat but regardless this has a very nice sound some good flavour here, and for six plus minutes its notbad at all so please do make more sound like this one.

dont think it needs changes to be honest.



So this was a nice sound I love the piano sound here and the soothing element of it all, Some parts could be sped up to give it more intense build up somehow but overall for what it iis is something unique and a nice soothing element of sound I like it.

Some parts could be sped up to give it more intense build up somehow


Wow beautifull

so as soon as I pressed play on this track I fell in love with it, you have some really nice sound here its soothing and pleasent here very nice sound indeed, you have some great talents and this particular one is one of my faves so really nice work.

no changes its a fantastic piece.


Wow nice

Wow I have to say you have some really nice sound here with this one you bring some solid quality and some positive flavor that gives this one a unique sound so really impressive stuff here and I do wish you could make more like this sometime its pretty fantastic.

no changes just make more soon.


Notbad at all

I really like this piece and love the drop about 1:40 to 1:50 ish its a nice effect I think you could have had more of those drops on this throughout the whole piece but overall this was cool I like your effort and energy in this one keep up the great work.

love the drop about 1:40 to 1:50 ish its a nice effect I think you could have had more of those drops on this throughout the whole piece


JohnnyFrizz responds:

Thank you for the nice review and the suggestions my friend!

Good quality

So you have some really nice quality with this particular piece it jumps out at you and it has some style love the high quality about it and adds a vibe and flavour very nice indeed I have no suggestion for changes here but overall this was nice work so keep it up.

I have no suggestion for changes here but overall this was nice


And such a great voice work here

Your voice is pretty good and you can really change it up well no major changes are needed, really nifty and seem to work well for voice work, Beautiful demo with awsome voice sound and the quality is decent so really nice work, And such a great voice work here, would love to see you get some voice jobs here on the grounds anyways keep up the amazing voice work.

no major changes are needed


slaleky responds:

Thanks so much! I've voiced on a few projects on here and I've actually worked professionally as a voice actor on a number of projects! Let me know if you're ever working on something you'd like me involved in! :)


So this was pretty cool this almost sounds like a circus or something has that sound abouot it, you have some good talents it was just too short for eight seconds I like the sound just wish it was a tad longer so do make more stuff like this it was entertaining

could be longer


An interesting Voice demo

Love the accent here and seems to go overwell, this track was a tad bit short and wouldnt mind if it was longer, So here was a nice voice demo here, you have a unique voice and it shows off well, you have a nice voice and it comes off well and with this demo reel you showcased some nice work here and I would say make more but this was a fun experience to hear some nifty voice work.

this track was a tad bit short and wouldnt mind if it was longer


Wow nice

So this was really nice, it has a deep sounding element and is very strong the quality is really nice too you have some good ideas here and you implement them very well it was a pleasure to review this one so nice job indeed, I like this track here.

no changes its awsome.


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