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Beautiful and awsome voice sound

The sound was somewhat low but the voice work was amazing you have an interesting voice and some nifty sound work here these demos are really nifty and seem to work well for voice work, Beautiful demo with awsome voice sound and the quality is decent so really nice work making this you even pushed some energy in there bringing out a tad bit of flavour.

none needed



There is a really nice build up as it builds up gets better and better and adding in your unique style you really push it forward to soemthing really good and Im pretty impressed with your style here, so overall no changes are needed as this was a fantastic piece and hope you make more.

no changes are needed as this was a fantastic piece


Very nice

For just making it in an hour you really bring out some nice sound its fast paced with a nice vibe and lots of energy so no changes are needed here This song was rather neat and gives me that feeling of something differant from all the rest, so as this starts off I was much enjoying this, so props to you for a decent start at this. Theres lots more to hear and see so I will continue on with your work, So before I head out here I would for sure like to check out anymore work of yours you have planned for the future, but untill then great stuff here. just keep doing what you do and bring great audio to the portal, because its tracks like this that really bring out the best from the portal.

its fast paced with a nice vibe and lots of energy so no changes are needed here


A great voice reel

You do have a good voice so I would say keep doing it especially if you love it So as I start off here I do have to say you bring out some nice voice works and its a pleasure to review your voice sounds here this makes for a great demo reel and do hope you make more of these someday I had fun here anyways nice track of your voice detail.

make more


A gerat piece

So you have some really nice sound here I especially love how you started this off with a unique soft sound then really built up into it so nice job there and the whole tune was really good I do feel it could be longer or something but it was nice.

possbly could be longer


A fantastic voice reel

The russian sound at the start here is great work, I was really impressed with this right from the start and really enjoyed the style of voices a fantastic voice reel indeed, You have a nice style across the board and can really bring out some nice voice work and I suggest keep doing that and hope it lands you places.

none needed at this time


Very nice work

The voices in there make it something different I really love all the variation you have added within this whole piece love all them unique sounds especially towards the end so nice job indeed I do hope you make more like this down the road anyways nice work.

make more


Really nice sound

It really does sound like the title too the Finest of the day but you had something very smooth, You have pushed fourth ideas and made this one interesting, So its almost time to end this review, and I dont wish to bore you any longer but just know I like my listen on this one today. And for me there is Immeasurable sounds like this, A nice track of sounds here with a mix of this and a mix of that, And those are just a few things that really drew me into this, you have a unique style and keep that going.



A nifty Voice reel

Very sharp and crisp sounding What we have here is a nice and nifty voice reel with some good and nifty voice works you really pushed the limmits and put your all into this one, I was really impressed with this right from the start and really enjoyed the style of voices here.

really good stuff here no changes needed


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