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Very nice

I love the melodies in this and they stay strong and keep you wanting more seems to end short so expanding on this would be a plus, you do have a nice twist on the beat making it a fun beat here and I really enjoyed your work here on this one so keep at it it was nice work.



Good vibe and flavour, Well for one it has some nice beats and some deep beats at that with a good deep sound really makes for a nice dance beat and thats exactly what you did here, , but at the same time I wouldnt mind if this was longer and more depper within the whole piece more climax as well, Anyways great stuff here it was a really good dance feel.



It was really short but has a nice vibe about it you even ad on your own twist about it and your own vibe and flavour but wish you made this one much longer some added build ups and climaxes besides that this was pretty cool stuff.



I found this tune to be sharp and crisp you really have a quality of sound to this i wish this was a tad bit longer maybe more build up but it does bring a certain quality about it so nice job there.



This was a pleasant tune does seem to have a catchy element about it. I believe this ended too soon and could be extended to be longer but overall this was a nice little tune here. Anyways keep making fun music and loops.



This is nice seems kind of loud but is still pretty solid was not a short piece either. Just a tad loud i like the depth of it all it was some good work and a good tune.



You gave it justice I love the piano on this and like how it does get a sort of buil up wouldnt have minded even more build up, but this was an amazing piece, Wow I must say this was a great piece you have done here you can really feel the vibes of the original ghost motel and I can remember all them years ago as violet worked on the music you have really gave it some justice and not some knock-off.

I like all of its tune, great way to get something great going here and the piano is played so well so smooth you really are talented and made this piece well worth it, So there was some nice efforts here in this piece and while I dont wish to bore you any longer I will cut this review short but before I go I will say that it was a pleasure reviewing this and hope to come across more of your work soon because you have some amazing skills on this piece. A beautiful take on a Ghost motel tune of the past.


Bosa responds:

This is such an honor, and as I told you before - you and Violet helped introduce me to the world of flash games and Newgrounds. I appreciate you very much and I too hope that we talk even more in the future!

Oh nice

Well this was nice has a dark and dry feel about it and really brings our the style and mix of things you gave it your own mix and quality so awsome job on this one i like your vibe.



A good flavour on this tune some really good quality about it bringing in a style all on its own some really unique sounds from start to finish giving it a that quality sounds and thats what i really enjoyed on this fantastic piece.


Good vibe

This tune has a nice vibe on it you bring a solid sound design and good structure even add in some unique twists about it and makes for some really nice tunes in this one. Good stuff indeed.


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