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You have some beautiful playing here on this one the piano element is very nice, making it it with some added instraments would also be nice, but you have some nice vibes with this and showcase your skills very well and I was pretty pleased with it all so nice job.


bluelephan2 responds:


Nice work

This was a very fast piece more of a loop but has a nice deep sound about it and you really made it deep with flavour, My opinion is to make this longer maybe some drops of loudness then let it build up, you really have something nice here with this one.


Love it

Quick and fast simple yet complex but you bring a lot of flavour Now this here is a very Notable entry I have to admit I really like these kinds of tracks as they do bring an interesting sound to it all with something different to look forward too. There was some Razor-Sharp sounds comming from this one, Now while this here is the end of this particular audio, I would like to say that it was a pleasure hearing this to the end, I got a good kick out of this, as it really jumps out at you with a good kick of quality.



This here was a pretty fantastic piece you have some nice talents and showcase it well in the music so that was nice, but other then that this was actually notbad at all, it was interesting in a few ways as I have mentioned, but anyways hope to see more stuff like this from you and remember keep creating these awsome unique sound.


Great tune

So some things stood out for me on this one, It just jumps out at you alive, you have everything here in this one sharp, clear and good quality, Now to end this, you have a decent piece there is some open discussion for some improvment just a tad here or there, my opinion would be adding in some drops then an intense build up as well as making it longer.


Cool sound

Some nice sound here, kind of has a tetris element about it, for sure some nice game elements in this, seems really fast and for a min long was kind of short so maybe making it longer and extending it a bit with even more mix but honestly I liked the sound here and you made it work and made it unique, anyways cool vibe here.



This was a snazzy sound here, very upbeat and fast, Well this was something different for sure and it has a nice speed up and the tools of the trade always come in handy and have to say you really made a good mix of this, So keep making awsome work like this snazzy tune.



This one has some nice flavour about it, seems like you really could ad some more build up and faster, and I really enjoyed the vibe of it all, It is also pretty fast paced but thats just another thing I enjoyed about this one so nice job all the way around here, and hope to hear more of your works soon.



Simple fast and fun thats what I got from this one You have started something here and it has amazed me from the vibes to the sounds in this tune really great stuff and a great start, A well Composed submission here so you should be proud of the results, And now as I do end here with this review I will say it was a grand pleasure of vibe and sound in this tune so nice job here, and hope to check out more of your work. All in all it was fascinating and an entertaining piece with some solid work put in, So please do keep up the solid work like this going.


Very nice tune

This tune reminds me of something from under water or the ocean life has that feal, This was a nice tune you had here I love the melody and beat here has a sort of game feel to it, and you made it so easy, your talents really came a live with this one, Keep making awsome tunes like this.


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