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Awsome stuff

You have some awsome stuff in there and you really make it loud but I liked it I do think you could make it drop dark and build up again, Now this type of track is always interesting as it brings out some interesting mixes and sounds all together, so nice start up to this one, Now with all that said I will end this like this but once again I have enjoyed your style of sound here and you bring something different to the table so very welldone, now get started on your next masterpiece, im sure it will be top notch work for me it is already top notch stuff really enjoyed it.


CorruptModule responds:

Thank you!

Enjoyed it

I really enjoyed this one its like a big production of a fantasy like game or movie, hope you keep making stuff like this as it was very unique well atleast it was for me, and I am sure many other will enjoy it just as much as I did, Keep the creative minds flowing with even more great ideas.


Cool stuff

This has a very sci-fi sound and futuristic element loved it Nice job here all around, you had some good effort here and it starts off that way from the get go, you bring a unique sound here so nice effort there, So with all that said it was a pleasure to find this unique and different sound.


Love it

This was very nice especially with the words, glad I did check this out today, so nice work here, and what I hope to find next time in the audio portal is more work like this one, Because not only was it a pleasure it was a solid piece of music, anyways nice job.


Doumaaa responds:

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoy this crazy piece ;)

Wow nice

From 0:50 till about 1:50 ish it has what sounds like a string and that was my most fave part very intense, A good track if you ask me it has some nice tid bits here and there that make up for a good track with some good vibe about it all, and I like the effort you put fourth here, Alright so that is that an interesting and different kind of track that we dont hear all the time.



I like the simplicity on this one, I do feel it could use some added twists and turns in the mix, this type of track is always interesting as it brings out some interesting mixes and sounds all together, so nice start up to this one, Now with all that said I will end this like this but once again I have enjoyed your style of sound


bluelephan2 responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

Love this mix

I really like the mix you bring onto this one some nice drops and build ups, you bring something different to the table so very welldone, now get started on your next masterpiece, im sure it will be top notch work for me it is already top notch, anyways it was fantastic.


Loud and nice

Love the loudness on this has a good hard sound here, So you have some nice effort here the sound quality is notbad but could be better, and there are the little things that really jump out at me, On an ending note I found this to be a good quality piece.


Wow nice

Once again you bring on some nice tune deep and domminant, hope you keep making more like this, because in all honesty this was fun and listened to it a few times before I actually started to review it, but anyways I love the style here and loved reviewing your work.



This is a cute and feel good piece I really enjoyed the pleasent element here Now here we go this is something that brings something different to the table not too shabby you have a good style and the ideas do seem to come alive with this one, Decent track you have here and besides all the above words you do have some nice sound here some slight changes here or there down the road but for what you do have its impressive.


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