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Very nice

This has some very nice sound here you even have some added depth and this one kind of reminds me of some nightwish if you ever heard of them this has some good vibe like that, These kind of tracks always have a good touch and feel to them they are decent, But regardless I love the deep sound and good quality you bring forward onto this it was a big plus and hope to hear more of your work.



Well this was notbad I did think the vocals could use more focus and could be more dominated more then the music itself, I have to say is that i was pleased with what you came up with keep that kind of style up, It was stuff like this that make me enjoy things like this, this one kind of reminds me of ozzy stuff but regardless this was some very nice work indeed make more soon.



This was a nice sound you have here some good flowing tunes here very good quality too A good piece here it was a nifty track with a little extra added and that went along way in making this a pretty good piece of quality, but I like what you have done sofar so keep that energy going anyways nice work sofar, A nice piece that plays well from A to B and I really have enjoyed your work here today, keep making stuff like this one its pretty solid So untill next time I look forward to reviewing your next great piece.


TheRiskster responds:

Thanks for the detailed review!


This has some good domminant sound and drives itself with each new key you bring on some very good depth too, So you bring an interesting style here and some good vibes and you make good use of a unique style of sound, Some nice work indeed so keep up the amazing tunes.



Wow this was beautiful you have a way with the piano and I love me some piano and this was some nice work very good quality too, So I will say I was impressed with everything and as mentioned above you have had some good sound quality moments here in this piece.



This had a unique sound in there and you really mixed it up too with some different sounds and such made for a nice sound and good tune, I do Hope I see and hear more from you soon Because thie was a brillient experience of some music, anyways keep making good stuff.


Love it

For sure has that 80's feel right from the start so nice job there So as I am Rummaging thru the audio portal on this day I have seen some Razor-Sharp submissions with a keen sound, So you bring an interesting style here and some good vibes and you make good use of a unique style of sound, I like it though, nice work, So I will say I was impressed with everything and as mentioned above you have had some good sound quality moments here in this piece and I do Hope I see and hear more from you soon Because thie was a brillient experience of some music.


TeffyD responds:

Thank you for the kind words!

Nice piano

There was some nice piano in this very good flowing too wish it was sped up a tad but overall a nice sound, A good piece here it was a nifty track with a little extra added and that went along way in making this a pretty good piece of quality, very good piano here



This was nice almost feel like you could ad some vocals in front of this the tune itself is pretty solid and some added vocals would ad some nice depth, I like what you have done sofar so keep that energy going anyways nice work sofar, keep up the amazing work.



This has a ghostly sound about it almost like an intro to a ghost mansion show or something Wow this was very nice it really kind of comes alive and very well done clear and sharp good quality all the way around, thats what really stood out for me, and now as we end on this one, I like what you have done here it was interesting and if theres anything to make better about it I will suggest that just below, but for now I like the sound I am listening too, and hope to hear more of this unique sound sometime.


Boom-Kill responds:

Thank you

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