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Very nice

I like this from start to finish but right at 1:10 it really jumps off into a nice mix and deep sound really nice stuff, These always give me something to look forward too and listen too And I have to say these kinds of tracks really bring something different to the table, it is Immeasurable this was a beautiful piece you have here So everyday I look for stuff and enjoy all that the portal has to offer and while not to drag this review on anymore



A nice soft sounding element here compelling So lastly nice job here nice effort you really showed us something nifty in music and sound, its these types that are very refreshing and nice on the ears and soul, so really nice work on this particular track.


Cool track

This was a pretty good one and love that its a tad long I did feel like you could have had some dips in sounds and added some sort of build up I like this track for the mostpart I like it This was pretty good This is still disputably one of the best I have heard today or in awhile, The ending is always the hardest part of a track like this because I tend to enjoy what I listen too but anyways as we do end here it was kinda nifty and you have a good sound here


Nice ambient

The ambient on this is really nice work, its a soft tune and is pleasent I love the effort you have put fourth here A good track you have here some good tid bits here or there that make up for something decent, you do have a nice gem here So now this was a pleasure to checkout it is one of those kinds of pieces that really draws you in with some deep thaught



Something different here but I do like the mix of sounds in this plus a tune, Very unique I know nothing too crazy but I did want to say that it was a pleasure of some music or sound, I think this could have gone even longer, but for the mostpart this was a solid tune


Love this

I love the whole trumpet sound on this atleast I think its a trumpet love the slow sound too A piece with lots to love about it not only unique in design and the style you have formatted here but brings alot of something great and something amazing so for this day you did make an awsome piece, Ok so you have something good here nothing negitive here you still bring a nice tune here and glad I found this one



This had a nice mixture of different things but they all fuesd together and that was nice You bring the charm to the portal A very notable piece here This one caught my attention mainley because you can really lay down some tune and give it some good vibe, it was smooth sounding just a small summary here not my finest review but wanted to say a few words on your tune here


Nice beat

You have a really nice drum n bass beat here and it gets pretty deep Great track you have here you bring a lot to this piece especially some decent quality some very good effort all the way around and I was impressed with this whole piece right from the start as it was intense and progressed very well, You have a good vibe and style here and I will check out more of what you offer, love the drum beat on this



Wow nice I love the strong and domminant sound on this one has an epic movie sound, Once again I find myself finding something different and unique in the portal and thats what I have here a decent piece with some nice little extras some nice rhythm at its finest Now here was a good track that you have created for us here And a decent way to end this with all the mixture of all the sounds, And once again this has an epic movie sound



Another good sound of works here this one has an epic feel with a movoe type sound, you really mix it up too So now this was a pleasure to checkout it is one of those kinds of pieces that really draws you in I tend to enjoy what I listen too but anyways as we do end here it was kinda nifty and you have a good sound here, but anyways a beautiful sound as always.


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