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This has some nice flavour and a good vibe of energy surring this dance sound good dj style music here You gave this one some Charm It was a very compelling piece you have here in the portal Notbad of a piece here it was interesting and the sounds are nice and well presented in a fun fashion, nice vibe of energy on this track



Here was another jamming tune and again another great dance tune, has a hint of some mortal kombat in there Alright so you have something good here the sound was differant and I like the unique-ness of it allthough it was still a good start here, keep making beautiful music


Dance time

This one for sure is a dance tune and you can feel the kick in this one very good balance of all the sounds comming together too And here we are with another good piece here it was a good entry and glad i had a chance to check this one out its a fan fave for me as soon as I started it, but anyways a great vibe of sounds here


Nice drum

I believe that was some drums but regardless nice and deep beat on this one you really keep it moving forward too Something of a unique taste here with this one it was a good tune and could use some extra tid bits here and there but maybe something just a tad more differant even random, anyways nice drums here


Very nice

The beat and rythem are really good on this tune and deep and towrads the end you really speed up the pace very nice Now this type of track is always interesting as it brings out some interesting mixes and sounds all together so nice start up to this one, I do think some longer build up would be nice on this piece Now with all that said I will end this like this but once again I have enjoyed your style of sound here and you bring something different to the table so very welldone, but anyways great rythem on this tune



So this one starts off slow but does pick up almost feels like it could go long with some even more build up So as I am Rummaging thru the audio portal on this day I have seen some Razor-Sharp submissions with a keen sound So you bring an interesting style here, anyways nice classical theme here


Very nice

I did raves back in the day and this was right up there with that stuff high energy fast pace Now that this is comming to an end I will say that you have impressed me with all the detail of effort and energy that you put into this, I love the talent you bring to the table


AWsome Dance

This is for sure some nice dance music you have going on here love the energy here so after that all said this was a good audio you have made for us and hope you make more groovy stuff like this one because it was unique and different, great energy and vibe on this one


Nice mix

This was a nice mix here love that unique sound So you have some nice effort here the sound quality is notbad and there are the little things that really jump out at me On an ending note I found this to be a good quality piece, the instraments came off well and kind of unique sounding


Love it

I love the build up on this it really starts kicking in about 5 seconds in im sure you could in time mix some new sounds in there but for now its notbad and is pretty solid sounds and mixture, but the build up was very impressive on this one nice vibe here


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