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Wow nice

The lyrics on this are dark but still very good and the music with it fits so well You really push this style and give it a certain quality I enjoyed this right from the start Now lets see how the rest of this plays out Great stuff Truly revolutionizeing! Very deep and powerful, Nice lyrics



A nice sound as always and this one being your first one is pretty nifty its some solid sound and has that vibe and flavour you always bring to the table The introduction to this is very defined my rummaging in this particular portal came up with some compelling finds such as some good keen track here, awsome track here


Cool sound

This has some nice rythem and it builds up very welldone A good track if you ask me it has some nice tid bits here and there that make up for a good track with some good vibe about it all, I like the energy and style you bring onto this one high energy fun sound


larrynachos responds:

One of my first decent songs! Thanks for listening :)

Fun demo

Very good voice you have here love the mixture you add in too Well you can't go wrong with a fun demo like this one I really love the sound quality and style in how you process the voice work also feels like you could even do some more of these demo reels and such you have some nice skills with the voice work here and it all seemed to come together and I really enjoyed your voice track here and hope you make even more but untill then keep the voice working


Pleasent piece

Wow this was a very refreshing piece here so nice work here Lots of filled energy in this track and I like it for a number of things some things I have already mentioned but its an amazing piece, love how you mix it up too but still keep it fresh sounding so nice work


Very nice

Now this here was some good sounds indeed it really has that sound of an epic movie element I enjoy reviewing and its always nice to review stuff like this one you make some nice audio and its a pleasure to review something as good as this one, Love this cinematic sound going on


EagleGuard responds:

Thanks for taking your time to leave a review! Always appreciate reading comments like yours. Glad you liked the piece!

Nice voice work

I feal like you could narrate a story with the voice work here Now this was some nice voice reels here or clips you have a nice career if you decide to go that way you do bring on some nifty voice sounds here and you really know how to get it just the right tone so this track of voice work was very good and some nice positive results with this voice track and love the style and tempo of the voice work on top of all that so besides all that this was a nice voice reel


Wow nice

I love the soft playing here but the lyrics really seemed to kick in here very well, While not perfect it does bring its own style and creativity to the portal and I can see you advancing on this one even more, this was a solid track awsome lyrics and nice backround sound to accent the lyrics



Now this was a nice and beautiful sound you have going on here and the piano was nice atleast I think its piano it has a nice sound good quality I had some fun with this piece I am glad I was Rummaging in the portal on this day, because you have some beautiful talents


Cool voice track

This was good almost feal like you have a story in audio here So this was a cool voice track and you seem to have a pretty solid voice and seems like you can even change it up at times bringing in some really nice voices here and that's a big plus because it's these kinds of reels that attract other work so props to you in a fun filled voice demo track here and I hope you do even more of these types they are pretty nifty and good sound quality on top of it all


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