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A beautifull Nifty Piece

Wow this was amazing the shading detail is uncanny very well done work here, would love to see a colored version of this, I actually enjoy these black and white styles of drawings and paintings a bit more then the colored versions and thats because the detail tends to show its raw form here in the black and white line work and small details now dont get me wrong the color can be amazing but I love the raw black and white theme.

would love to see a colored version of this


Love it

Haha nice this was a great entry and tells about awarness of drinking and teleporting lol great entry no changes are needed, I do love this comic series and hope it doesnt end anytime soon, the energy and funny jokes in this is what I have enjoyed the most from this series, its a pleasure to review this and all the side stuff like the top-tens but regardless this particular entry here gave me a good fun chuckle I love the jokes in this one.

great entry no changes are needed


A fun adventure

Well this one was interesting I do have to say I love the small detailed of effects and such like the fire or flames etc makes it so much better, So here we are with another great adventure with such great humor I love how far you have taken this comic series from the very start to what it is now and it keeps going strong so props to you this particular entry was really funny and full of some adventure.

make more soon


Very nice

So here was a very nice piece almost feel like you could slap some borders on this one, anyways great stuff, love your style here of black and white design and drawing, And glad you have not added much color yet but when you do it will be pretty amazing stuff, the style here and design of the black and white is pretty good though and cant wait for some color one day.

almost feel like you could slap some borders on this one, anyways great stuff


fadedshadow responds:

yeah a border probably would create a nice effect. also dunno if you'd be interest but there's a version where i just did the line-art and it was a pretty good minimalist piece imo.

Nice work here

Very nice work on this one and no major changes needed Nice work, its a black and white style drawing here I do think you could ad more to it but what you do have is pretty brilliant, and I like that its not colored or has very little colored but adding some wouldnt hurt either, but anyways nice drawing here. keep it up.

no major changes needed


A fun mix of comic here

The origin of his underwhear lol this was for sure a funny one and once again no changes are needed, so this was A fun mix of comic here, you have some nice detail here and the outcome of this one was pretty nifty, these comic entries get better with each new one and I found this to be a delight, so really nice work here on this submission and I hope to see more.

once again no changes are needed


This comic series is pure awsome

I love this particular one because the color is really vibrant and a great little story here, no changes are really needed here, some really good details and effects but most of all you bring on some great comic frames with a twist of adventure This comic series is pure awsome A fine comic series here, some great frames of adventures and great characters aswell, always feeding off of eachother really makes this combo work well.

no changes are really needed here


Very nice

The backround could have more details and maybe even adding a frame or border would accent this piece even better, these styles of black and white are notbad and they present a classic form of beauty but anyways you have a nice sketch or black and white design here, and its always nice to see something as nice as this design and drawing come alive in just black and white.

backround could have more details and maybe even adding a frame or border would accent this piece even better


Very detailed

So this was very detailed the shading alone was intense, I do wish there was more detail in the backround though, You have made some amazing things here very beautiful black and white drawing and or sketch here so nice work indeed, And just goes to show that sometimes we dont need color because black and white can show just as much detail as yours has here, so props to you on a fine piece.

I do wish there was more detail in the backround


An aluring character design

Very nice black and white here maybe adding some color would really improve on this piece, some nice character work you have designed and a good sexy theme here really beautiful, you are very talented especially when it comes to a sexy character like this very nice line work and made it visually look smooth so nice job here I look forward to more sexy characters.

maybe adding some color would really improve on this piece


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