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Great character

Wow this was a great looking character and you really bring out the details the dark backround is nice would have loved some more detail back there, an interesting piece as it jumps out at me for the little things that you made work well. I like the Polish and love the Desire that you bring into this

the dark backround is nice would have loved some more detail back there


MKMaffo responds:

You are absolutely right, tried to do some school at night background but in the end decided to completely focus on the character ...next time! eheheh

Amazing work

First of all the lighting and the color really comes alive in this one your lighting effects really come out well, as for any changes dont think it needs any you have outdone yourself here anyways keep up the great work, I look forward to more of your art but lets focus on this peice for the time-being. So keep making progress, it will make a success. So great outcome here from top to bottom this was notbad at all

as for any changes dont think it needs any you have outdone yourself here



I am just amazed and mezmerized by how much detail loving the shine would love even more shine and sparkle on this especially the helm, but regardless this was some amazing work,
some nice detail here and about, I like your style its different but brings alot to the table, so nice job all around here I was delighted to review such a beautiful design.

loving the shine would love even more shine and sparkle on this especially the helm


A cool pose

Well this was a cool pose you have here some really nice work, love the light color tones too she is springing into action, I have no suggestions for any changes here, you even won a nice and nifty award here so a big congrats on the award cant go wrong there, Awsome art piece and well deserving of the awards it won, I was really glad to see it win some awards and showed all the work the artists put into this, keep it up.

I have no suggestions for any changes here



So this was pretty cool, and I see you have won some awards for this one thats always deserving the lighting effects are amazing on this, and the small animation on this are even better so nice job indeed, very good work here nice character work and you bring a story to the portal so nice job on this piece indeed, I hope you make more with this animation element to them as they really bring out the art even more.


Very nice

And once again you have a nice piece of art here some fantastic characters with some fresh colors and decent shades here, the "RED WOOL" seems like it could be in a better stylish way and maybe even something back there in the backround, but besides all that you have a nice character piece here and looks well drawn so props to you on a beautiful piece of drawing and hope you make more soon.

maybe more detail in the Wed Wool wording but even if not that was just fine as is.


This was nice

Very cool art piece here you have some great skills here and have to say I love the emotion and effect here and seems to have a frozen effect too great expression here, as for any changes or improvments you dont need any as this was just amazing work.

as for any changes or improvments you dont need any


This was amazing

Wow this was an amazing piece of art here, you really know how to bring out an adventure on this visual and really does look like a race is happening, I will take a moment here and give you a big congrats on the awarded achievment for this art piece here on the grounds very nice achievment to recieve so nice job, Keep up the great work and a huge hand to you on achieving some awards for this, that means it really caught the attention of the users.

Onlything I might ad might be some borders on this.


Kidgalactus responds:

Thanks! Appreciate the feedback!

A nice art piece

So this was a nice art piece here love the postion of the character I think if I suggested anything I might suggest more shine and sparkle on some points maybe the helm or sword etc, but its an amazing piece, I do want to say that this was a nice piece of art and very deserving of the award so congrats on that feat, Congrats on winning some awards, it was a nice gesture and shows that you really put the effort fourth, keep up with that type of effort

I think if I suggested anything I might suggest more shine and sparkle on some points maybe the helm or sword etc, but its an amazing piece


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