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Nice color

So what stoodout most for me is the color and the lighting effect really makes it stand out even more so awsome job indeed, also congrats on winning an award for this piece

maybe some fancy borders


Good detail

This was a nice piece because you have such nice detail and the dark element makes it pop out the character shows emotion and overall a great art piece here I like it so nice job indeed.

Not really anything comes to mind with this one.


Beautifull Sprite work

Love this sheet here an animated version of the character on the sheet would be an idea, You have presented some nice sprite work here with a nice visual point and some nice focus on the "SPRITE-WORLD", so with this sprite you have created something really nice, the "VISUAL-POINT" is on point and you showcase it very well, so this reviewer is very impressed with this entry.

an animated version of the character on the sheet would be an idea


Sprite energy

Small sprite but a cute one love the teal like backround too, no changes needed You have some great imagination with the sprite work here and I really like your direction with this one it has its own unique style, "I-REALLY-LIKE-SPRITE-STUFF" but you went one step further with this one and added some "NIFTY-ELEMENTS" to it so really nice stuff here.

no changes needed


Very intense

This was very intense especially love the glowing eyes really impressive work on this zombie element here, Really no need for changes on an art piece such as this one as you really presented it well with some nice detail and you are talented enogh to where you dont need added tips from me so nice job on this one and no changes needed here This Radiates a lot of things especially a Twist of Expression Emitting from this piece is some unique style about it and thats something very unique here.

Really no need for changes on an art piece such as this one as you really presented it well with some nice detail and you are talented enogh to where you dont need added tips from me so nice job on this one and no changes needed here



So this was a fun little piece you have here I do like the black and white style here or noir as they call it, it gave me a chuckle you may think about making it as an ongoing comic.

maybe an ongoing comic


Very nice lighting

So the lighting effects really jump out here even the backround had some nice texture and design to it all here is a pice I feel no changes are needed as you have a special idea here so nice job,

I feel no changes are needed as you have a special idea here so nice job


Sprite work

Would be nice to have the animated version too, I like the "EFFECTS" here and the visual here on the sprite is nice, You have a nice element of visual here, So nice sprite work here and I do encourage you to make more like this theres a nice "VIBE-N-FLAVOUR" that comes from this piece so keep up the brilliant sprite work.

Would be nice to have the animated version


Once again nice

So I have seen a bit of your work and most of all love what you do with the texture of the color and how it blends so well the baloons in the backround was a really nice touch its small details like that , that really showcase the whole piece even more, I will not suggest any changes because frankly it doesnt need any kinds of changes its brilliant as isglad I checked the art portal to find this little gem, its a pleasure to find gems such as this one. because this one is trully a great find

I will not suggest any changes because frankly it doesnt need any kinds of changes its brilliant as is


DevilRat responds:

For me, I sort of carved my own niche on the Art Portal. As this was a reaction to our world in my eyes. In a sense following retreaded grown, but in a new medium that has been perfected to an extent. I am now days sort of my work has gotten clearer, more readable, but this was a foundation for the modern me, the new me. Coloring wise, it has more in common with ME today than yesterday ( two months ago ).

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Age 51, Male


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