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I have to say that you really push some nice colors in these and bring out a nice full element of style the characters are full of life especially when foamy is in it.

These comic style pieces are great i do wish they were longer like more framework and such but honestly you do some great work with all the characters and the comic itself is pretty entertaining but besides all that that was some solid work indeed.



And here was another cute foamy comic style the color is vibrant and the art is nice and you ad some nice humor too and seems to all come together wish these were a tad longer they are pretty entertaining but regardless you do some nice work as always very nice stuff


Wow nice

I have to say you really made something come alive from scratch with this i actually love the subway wrapper and wonder if you could have pushed that into the real drawing itself.

But anyways a nice drawing from scratch with some really nice before and after points and i really like the lines and the the final result some nice work and it was a pleasure to review so nice job indeed and hope to see more work like this one.


SpaceCandy44 responds:

Im so sorry im late to reply!!! thank you so so much <3


This was notbad would have enjoyed a color or a bit of color you may already have a colored version but this was a nice drawing of the pico day entry so nice work indeed nice line work on this seems to have come out just right. Anyways keep up the good drawings.



This was actually a nice pico day submission. Especially like the before and after here really nice color and a fun piece here lots of talents and a good fun submission so please do keep doing what you do because this was a very good piece here.


Voiggers responds:

Thank you so much bro! :D


This was some nice artwork like the shine comming off the leaves it would be nice to see a glowing vibrant firely in the backround or a few lol, A nice find here with this submission of an art piece, this arte entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on, A nice piece of art you have here, its kind of differant yet its got its own vibe and seems to work well with all the elements thats surround it.


sinnykitt responds:

Oh my, thank you so much! It's nice to be able to divert from my usual shtick once in a while, so I'm glad you like it! ^^

I love it

You made it dark I think some added lighting effects in the distance might have been a nice advance on this, Some interesting elements of a submission on this one, you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, it does spark some interest especialy with me, its the little things that keep me interested like this piece.


Wild and fun web-comic

This one with the litter theme was good love the ending possble result and that should change ther litter bugs mind lol Well once again you have created another Wild and fun web-comic, some adventure some humor and a lot more and it all comes together in making some really nice element of fun comic style of comic here so nice job indeed this particular entry was very fun one of your best.


An interesting one

I like the double sided joke about installing windows lol So this was an interesting one for sure, I had fun with this particular issue of the comic nifty entertainment points when it comes to the jokes also has good entertainment value has some nice ideas and it was funny, but with all that said some good stuff here.



This was a refreshing and cute piece of art here, good facial expression and seems like a cheery moment and or scene, you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, and thats what will keep me and others always comming back to pieces like this, You have shown some decent effort here, endless ideas here and a large hearted felt piece.


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