
17,993 Art Reviews

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Clay Art

This was some nice clay art and you really showcase it well with some nice visuals of detail, but regardless this was actually a good and creative design nice mold you have made for us all to enjoy and you really bring out the creative side of this style.

I think its fine as is


Pretty awsome

This was pretty awsome i am enjoying this in all of its moment. Awsome detail a great character and ready for action.

The pose is brilliant ready for action and to save the day. Colors came out well and even a fantastic backround that blended well with this whole art piece. Anyways great submission here.


R3dFiVe responds:

Thank you!


I found this one to be cute and erotic all rolled into one steamy scene great character some nice use of color and great line work on tye character so really nice job on this one here. Hope to see more like this in the future


Very nice

The animation was superb very nice flow of blinking eyes and hair and even the snow came off well very impressive and the character was cute nice art and nice animation.


Nice clay

Well you cant go wrong with a good clay mold and this one being a shake the eyes really pop off well and i liked it even the backround would pretty good very creative and stylish with this clay design of a fun shake make more of these types they are pretty interesting.


The apple that froze

So this was nice its simple and you even added some backstory element. I could see you adding on more story and some added texture within the apple itself just a little more would be a plus but overall this was good and a nice idea i especially like the added story depth.



These are simple but nice. I could see you improving on these with added effects and color and so on. Overall a nifty idea for people to use and such i like them they are nice.


Well done

Well have to say you have done a fantastic job here even with a subtle touch on these two characters would have loved to see some added shine in there but overall this was some nice artwork so keep up the amazing art designs.



Wow very nice and you showcase some nice talents here especially with how she is posed the color and texture like her dress really come out well i like the backround too its like a real scene taking place and some really good expressions on the face

So overall some nice work here and some beautiful visuals of detail and texture. It is always nice to see some good talent come through the portal so keep it up as always its a pleasure.


Haha nice

As soon as i saw this i had a good chuckle but will say that you did a fantastic job on this with the design and use of color and that face expression is pretty good and i was impressed. The backround was a tad bland bit the vibrant colors of the outfit made up for thar anyways nice job.


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