
17,993 Art Reviews

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Love the color

You bring some nice color and nice fresh shades of color brushing here An amazing art piece and one of my faves of the day A nice art piece here so nice effort so not much more to say except that I really liked this piece especially for the little things you ad and the small details that shine in there own way, love the color most of all


Nifty scene

This here was a nice painting love the brown elements and high hill top points lol Some nice polish kind of like a knockout and a sizzling touch you added to this, but besides all that you have really me enjoy your style of art here but anyways keep up the good work.



This was a beautiful character love the red outfit and shine too What a fun art piece created here there was some very good areas and the whole piece has a nice visual element about it would like to see more of your work real soon and I hope to review it aswell nice character work here


Very nice

I have seen the nude version and have to say this one looks good with the added color But I really enjoyed what you presented here the skills you have you could make more stuff like this I love the desire you bring to the table, overall some nice character work, good poses.


Nice pose

This one was a tad dark on skintone but the pose is amazing You have really pushed the limits on this piece It has some interesting elements about this and I grew to like it but anyways I look forward to seeing more of it, Great character indeed.



The character is glistening with water and sparkle or elements Im pretty amazed with this creation of yours You have an energetic and well formulated piece of art here So please do make more spiffy and unique stuff like this, the water element on this is very nice


Love it

I love the blue skintone here looks glamorous you ad substance in a very skillful way this is some gnarly and stylistic art and has an energetic vibe you have formulated something really nice here a nice pose and once again love that blue skintone


Great character

This was a great character here And these are exactly the kinds of art pieces that do bring me some joy so nice effort here Such a nifty peice of art and element so awsome job, love the use of water color and you make it look good nice shades and nice colors.


Nice work

This was some nice little sketches here maybe ad a sort of frame around the whole piece or border, Some great talent with your creation here was glad I had a chance to check it out so make more stuff like this because ofcourse ill be there to review it



A dragon type here love the colortone almost seems like she could be holding something in her left hand? this piece very talented in the ways of art and style and honestly hope you keep making brilliant stuff like this and bring more ideas like it to the portal as you have done here on this one


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