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Mrs Brisby

Well this was a beautiful piece even has a portrait element about that, and in that aspect of things I could see you adding in some fancy frames on this, It was a pleasure to review this piece as it has all sorts of nice visuals and details making it a fun piece to review, creation and imagination is always a blessing the talent and effort show off well here, I always say its the little things that make a piece unique, As mentioned I could see you adding in some fancy frames on this



Well here was another beautiful design with the before creation love those wings, anonter beautiful piece of work that hope gets some color version I always say its the little things that make a piece unique, and you added some fine detail in this one nice wings comes to mind


Very nice

First of all I really love the black and white here and you have some nice lines and it seems to all come together cant wait for some color on this, I applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer, cant wait for some color on this



Well as always some beautiful character work love the purples and lavanders in this I have foune one of my faves of the year and this kind of style and vibe is what keeps me comming back for more from the art portal I am stunned how good this art piece is its be dazzlling, but as I do end this review I would like to say its a nice piece overall, love the purples and lavanders in this



Very intense stuff here and some nice action pose on top of that, A fun and exciting entry you have created here but other then that this was actually notbad and has some good effort behind it so nice job there here was a nice art piece it was differant and unique pretty neat how you made this come out So I hope you continue those standards because it does show well very nice design here


A Cute character

I like the character but especially love the yellowish backround, A nice entry if I do say so myself you have a lot of flair with this so keep that going aswell you can really tell when someone puts the time in on something and this one shows, A nice art piece here you have implemented a nice vibe here A symbolic but as always sppropriately done with some nice Polish


Good poses

A fun character and some nice poses An important moment here with this awsome submission of yours This was interesting and I actually found this kind of art pretty nifty you dont actually see this all the time and its always nice to see people making stuff like this Detail has really shown out well here and you can see the effort here thats what I like about this piece, ad some sort of frame on this one or a border



this was a nice red and black style love the raw art style and some nice little tid bits of details within the red and black Amazing artwork you have shown us with some fantastic detail elements Kudo's to you on this piece, Its not everyday you can come across stuff like this as I come to the end here I must say it was a pleasure checking this one out so keep art alive with many more works, I like the red and black style


Nice and cute

So here was another cute character here love the color base too I have come to enjoy a lot of things about this piece you bring out a nice progression but mostly is that it probably took a lot of time and effort to put this together, its cute characters like this that really jump out at you with all the cuteness Also love the smal details like in the facial expression


Love this

I love the detail within the characters and that red backround is also nice a sharp design with a bit of madness mixed in, Now this is fantastic art you have created here This was something different but it was unique and stylish stunning visual I have to say, I was glad to have found this I like your style here its a good piece So keep up the nifty work you been doing and I will be sure to come back for more much more, a sharp design with a bit of madness mixed in


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