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Very unique

Love the action pose here and the vibrant colors was nice on this one some added shine would be nice It is just amazing what people can do with pixel as I review your work here you bring out some nice tidbits of detail shine and pop and really make it jump out at you and thats some amazing work especially with how pixel is done, I love most pixel work but love the small detail points in this one, its stuff like this that just make me enjoy it even more, So before I go keep making amazing pixel works such as you have done here so nice work indeed, And I hope you make even more soon, love the purples and greens in this


Very nice

So this was some nice artwork its like aportrait of types, that backround is amazing and a nice pose of the character with wondering mind for matches lol, no but really this was nice, These kinds of art pieces are always interesting and bring something new for all to see So really nice work here, anyways cool portrait piece



Now this was an artistic piece in my opinion ofcourse the lined work with that backround was actually pretty nice this was something different and I like what you have done here and have presented something unique and different, love this artistic piece of art here


Cute char

So here was a cute char and I beleive she is smoking a cigar? I think the cigar should be a different color then the hair as it blends too much, but honestly this was an amazing character portrait piece, its like looking into your world from your eyes and honestly im ok with that because this was a beautiful art entry I love the freshness of this art piece, Nice cigar smoking cute girl lol



Wow this was a beautiful piece I love the character but that color and designe behind is awsome wish it could be more brighter and light up almost, You have extended your efforts in this one and pushed the desire to create a fantastic piece, that color and designe behind is awsome



This one here is an awsome world to look into like walking into the deep element of a dark place love the mystery that you have created here with the shadow figure here was another great discovery from the portal you have a good entry this was a large hearted and dedicated piece the art shows off well all on its own and the talent shines well, Something people can really get into and enjoy like I have now so keep making great submissions such as you have now, ove the mystery that you have created here with the shadow figure


Eye see you

Lol no but really I love this piece and even added it as one of my faves I think you could even do one version but as a cube shape, the eyeballs are creepy but still awsome a very good sphere eyeball thing here, there was alot that went into this a dash of this and a dash of that you even added some fusions that made this work even better, a very good sphere eyeball thing here


Cute one

So this is a cute character here and love the different variations on it and with that black backround it seems to accent very well, Something people can really get into and enjoy like I have now so keep making great submissions such as you have now, anyways nice character


ScepterDPinoy responds:

Thanks. Was expecting a constructive critique but a half 4 stars is reasonable.

Wow nice

This was a deep dive into the ocean and you can really see the wildness of it all love all the creatures within too This art entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on Now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery and was glad to find this little gem, A brilliant piece of art here and I have to say it really comes full circle in the depth of your detail and all the little detail that comes alive from this, great under the sea world



Now here we go I like the shine work on the backside pieces here this was some nice work some good skintone and some nice form and poses on the body but anyways some nice work keep up the beautiful work


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