
17,993 Art Reviews

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A beautiful visual

A dark closet I have really come to enjoy the pixel visuals that come through the portal its different just as you have created here with this type of detail and just makes it pop out, Your style here was a nice piece and make it shine in all the right points and shine too, its just amazing what people can do with pixel element and you have pushed the limmits and that alone has made me enjoy this one and pixel alike, But besides all that your talents have really soarded on this submission here.



You have a uniqie style of drawing and adding in detail within and it just seems to really come out very well, You have defined your work here in this submission But anyways good art piece here I like the effort you put fourth here, Would really like to see some color added or parts of it but the drawing was amazing


Cute and sexy

I really love the black and gold outfit here it works so well and also love that smile A cute and sexy character here it is a beautiful design if a sexy posed character with all the right visuals of detail and you seem to bring on your talents into this one with some beautiful sexy line detail and making a beautiful and cute pose even great expression


Love this

I love how dark this is, the character work is pretty amazing too and great dark backround, I am interested to see more of your work based off of this interesting and unique piece But lets get thru this review first I will say you really do have something special here, Love what you did with the dark and vibrant colors to accent eachother this type of art can really get you thinking and thats what you have presented here today, Anyways great character design here


A steamy character

Nice character but even better is getting the animation just right with the flow of her dress Well here was a nice and steamy character here some nice curves indeed and you gave it a nice steamy visual showcasing some nice delicates and some pretty good artwork on this character and overall just a fun experience with this sexy character


Very nice

The drawing is nice simple and to the point you have some nice ideas here the drawing itself was notbad, Its always stuff like you have presented here that I really enjoy keep that vibe up, I like the small detail in this drawing now all you need is a color version


artistunknown responds:

coloring these old drawings might actually be a good way to get me back into doing art🤔

Awsome work

It never amazes me that you can really push different styles of art as you have here this was nice work, this is some gnarly and stylistic art and has an energetic vibe you have formulated something really nice here, I also love the dark and simple element here good character here


Awsome pose

The pose on this character was pretty amazing I love the horns and the red glow, nice work here indeed It was something not everyone does well but you made it work well and look good I really think you have a unique style of art here, The pose you have here on this character is pretty amazing, These kinds of art pieces are always interesting and bring something new for all to see So really nice work here, Anyways nice character work



This here is nice work the character is beautiful with some nice curves beautiful lines and just some amazing colors too the detail all comes together some very nice work here but regardless this was some awesome stuff


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