
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice and intimate

This was a good combo and shows that steamy element What a beautiful scene here a luscious scene and has some nice vibrant visuals from lines and curves to the erotic elements the intimate elements are a plus so really nice and intimate here these daily come through the portal and not always the best but the sexy scene you have created here is an awesome art entry but with all that said this review comes to an end it was a pleasure


Good character

Another brilliant and fun character here, nice shades of greys here too a fun character While I do give a full critique here seems like this has a nice bloom about it already and thats what I found really good here on this paint style character


Very nice

While you dont paint lol I found this paint style pretty good and some nice work indeed, it almost has an abstract feal about it, Some really nice work of art here and you really bring it all together in this beautiful art piece here, Good art style and painting here


Nice work

Well as always a beautiful and colorful character It has a mix of style and unique flavour that's always a plus with art A nice art piece with a twist and you can't go wrong with this style always a popular moment this was a solid entry, There is some good color in this and the that classic pose is always nice A fine art submission if I do say so myself some good vibe and flavour on this tune you have here the unique piece coming from this is work really makes it a fun theme Invisuble woman is always a great character



Love that black and white and you bring those lines together very well love the sleek design and fine detail within some really nice art and had a pleasure to review this fine character


High kick

So this was a good and high kick here the darker skin tones was a nice touch on this and had some fun with it I'm sure you did too it's a beautiful character and nice high kick here



So this was pretty cute the yellow bike and other points show cases lots of fun detail but her standing pose is pretty nice so nice work on this art piece here keep up the good artwork here



Well you are my new fave artist because you put some depth and deep color into your art pieces love the dragon like creature too Some nice fusion in this one I love the flavor and style in this whole piece love the energy that this brings too lots of great quality that comes out of this one and I for one was impressed with this art piece, Cant get over how well the deep texture comes out so nice work there A nice submission with some dynamic and engaging visual talent on this piece, Keep creating beautiful and artistic pieces



This was an awsome piece love the birds but the doll was good A dynamic piece here I know there is a ton of these types of similar types but you impressed with this unique style of art and you put the effort in, Love the paint style here really comes out good you must have had a nice theme building especially since it's building into something from your mind nice, Nice view of the birds on this one nice paint style


Taifau Cafe

So for me I dont know anything about Taifau Cafe but this for sure was some nice art fresh use of colors a refreshing character and a fun backround nifty visual and element so nice vibe and nice take on this, Nice cafe


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