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So this was an interesting pumnkin here but I like the artistic value of it all and is pretty colorful even did some backround art for this piece so really nice work and nice halloween theme here


Very interesting

This was something different you can really see the scratches on this one and they look good so the lighting effects really came into play and just made for some nice details here nice visual


St Patrick's

Well you can't go wrong on a St Patrick's day but I like the line work on this one would have loved some color on this one but regardless you made some good comic style here


These are good

Nice to see the art here but even better the character work love the outline too now maybe some added color but overall this was pretty good nice detail showcased well keep it up


I like this

This was another goos sketch here pauline may be your new fave lol, sometimes simple is good these types seem simple and you have shown that here with this entry here


This was nice

I like the different scenes and art pieces going on here a very good mix here, I believe for themost-part of this you have done pretty good, anyways nice work


Nice pauline

Another fine piece of pauline she looks so innocent with that dring and again with those eyes luring in, great greenish backround too, another good pauline art piece



So here with just the lines this was nice would love to see some colors or even some color just as borders that way the line work is more accented overall some nice art style here on this one



This one was pretty deep and can have that scary visual here the reds in this came out well, Now this was an amazing find as this was pretty solid in depth and detail even has a simplistic side about it those are just a few touches this popped off well so I was pretty pleased with this entry, Love the deep eyes and open mouth really gave it that scary feeling I really like the style in this whole entry love the flavour and element makes me feel like you hit on the nose here the best visual here too. But anyways some nice work indeed here


Very nice

The sonic vs knuckls on this is nice I love the poster like elements on this one, An awesome theme of an art piece here I love me some unique visual and you created some nice style with the themed art piece, Maybe some more dynamic borders or frames would be nice These can't be easy to make but you have made this one pretty good and I like the style love the flavour and ryrhem it brings out very nice art detail, You could make a series of these poster like pieces very awsome and detailed


KornArt3 responds:

THANK YOU SO MUCH, i really appreciate the comment here and the suggestion esp

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