
17,993 Art Reviews

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Visual beauty

I love the combo of characters on this one very nice I found this to be a visual beauty I was pretty impressed with the pixel results you even went beyond with the added pixel depth it's pixel pieces such as this one that speak volumes not just because of the unique pixel design love the visual beauty of pixel


Perfect shine

This here is the perfect shine and some beautiful color on the character here love that purple hair it really shines well a great detailed character here keep making these types


Erotic Element

Love this and love the outfit too the dark colors elements are good on this sexy character Nice and erotic element here I love the passion that comes with these steamy character designs making these pretty awsome in visual detail, and the passion element just pop off well, you cant go wrong with the erotic character details as you have graced us here with


Wow this is good

Love this collab Art can be manythings but this piece brings out the best of art You bring on inspiration, I love all the southpark elements here some nice scenes a comic like entry very good stuff


Beautiful and sexy

Very sexy look here that pose cameout perfect and the small details within the character is amazing Another beautiful and sexy design here sexy character if I do say so myself some smooth and sleek lines that create this design of unique blends you gave it a nice steamy visual showcasing some nice delicates and some pretty good artwork I have enjoyed it


Nice character

Now this was a nice character I like the white so that the details shine more and themajenta color or pinkish is nice so props to you on this idea and while there are other styles I think you knocked this one out of the park so nice energy level in this piece, Great character here nice detail and that bomb great touch A brilliant piece here the fact that you bring forward this kind of design and element and themed piece makes it all that much better, Anyways a nice character here



Nice work this was a cute lil piece good character work some nice funny comical element too some good work indeed, I like your style here I had fun with this art piece as you did too


Beautiful piece

Nice backside here and the dark element too very nice A beautiful piece indeed making this sexy character come alive with this art element and just pours out a sexy look so if that's what you intended it's an A plus in my eyes anyways a nice curvy form beautiful lines and a sexy character indeed so keep doing that



I love the fine detail in this character or creature some intense detail and texture and all in water color came out pretty well so nice job there, You have even added in your own twist with some added details and polished blend, anyways great creature here



The detail is just beautiful the color is amazing you do some really nice work and I love the inner detail here with some nice character design on top of that, great art piece of chutney here


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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