
17,993 Art Reviews

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Robotic Art

A slick and smooth design here I especially like the conehead like form here I really like your work here I was pretty impressed with your robotic artwork here so anyways nice work indeed on this piece Here was some robot fun even some robotic elements


Awsome work here

Awsome work here love that blue sky in the backround really has some deep color some nice detail here we the fans for sure need more artists like yourself that bring out the best in pieces like this, love the shine too great work here



I love the detail and deep texture in the orange elements here Nice work of of the robotic world I love the robot elements here you really give off some nice art style but even better then that you bring on some good robotic style, but its some nice art work here


A fun robot piece

Wow that is a nice robot there I love the shine and grey was pretty good Some cool vibes of robotic art here I was pretty pleased with your style of robots here anyways nice job Im sure anyone can design robots but you give it that extra detail and shine and beautiful lines


Very cool

This was pretty cool I love all the color and character work was really good this was actually pretty good you have a lot going on in this scene, Looks like some epic action about to take place lol


Nice beer

This is pretty awsome with the label looks pretty wild some awsome color and just some wild elements that really pop off the bottle pretty well, The bottle is not too shaby either some nice work here


Wow nice

The animation of the bird and the flag and all of it was pretty amazing with this art piece how you fit all that in the art piece was good, very beautiful flow of color and animation here


This is nice

You give off a nice message on this piece now for me I love the stars and outter space elements besides the message I think a sparkly moon in the backround and or distant would have been a nice touch or even go as far as adding some shine to the font and wording itself just as an idea and or opinion regardless this was a nifty art piece really nice work here on this one.


Cyberdevil responds:

Some shine would've been cool, agree, alternate future version maybe hmm...

Thanks for the reviews X!

Steamy element

The blue is amaxing on this it even has a sort of glow A steamy element of some nice visuals and these types really bring in the passion within the art itself creating a character like this has lots of passion element


Nice paint style

This was a beautiful piece great scene with the characters You have gone on and ignited the talents on this piece I found it to be spiffy seems like you really pushed some good quality with this art entry giving off the style you presented here and it really came off well, Love the detail like the leaves and other small detail points Pieces like this give some good inspiration and you have defined and polished work here, Anyways great detailed style here


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