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Nice entry

Big and large very nice indeed also love the color variation in the backround Another nice entry here with this character it has some sexy visual details and some nice and erotic elements in this one you really showcase the sexyness of the character here and some nice sensual tunes here


Very nice

So this was pretty nice I love the lumminating and dark elements here the character is very good work here I like how this all came out and looks very welldone I will for sure look for your work in the future as it sparked an interest with me, Almost feel like that frame could have a more glow effect, It was a decent effort and it was different So nice job on this piece you have outdone yourself my overview of this whole piece is that you have outdone yourself with lots of talent, but anyways great version of hollow Knight


Sexy entry

I love the black outfit on this and a nice pose too Well this was a sexy entry if I do say so myself some nice visual details of lusciousness all around this sexy character it looks pretty good and you do bring the passion on this character and makes for a nice character


Good artwork

The color theme in this is amazing and love the props and toys too You have some good artwork here and it really shines on its moments in this art piece the character alone is sexy and erotic and brings on its own twists if passion and shine and that's just a bit I take away from this



Now when you say ghouls you mean ghouls right lol An entry that makes it an instant fan fave there are some art submissions that are great but I like when you can even go beyond the box as you have done here, Love the simple white frame and the character detail is pretty awsome love the deep texture here, I look forward to more of what you may have so keep up the great work and make more like this, Some nice ghoul design here



So first off the color in this was amazing and allows for more of that fine detail in the backround like the curbs cement etc, Its best with some nice details you gave it just the right expression and with all the animation it came out just right, Art can be manythings but this piece brings out the best of art as the skater skates through a colorful world, I had a fun time with this and reviewing your work, I always love the passion you push in your art style pixel and animation


Luis responds:

Thanks Wayne I love your feedback


So here was just the perfect pose and a beautiful character Im pretty amazed with this creation of yours, Love the fresh look here too that pose is amazing You have an energetic and well formulated piece of art here and it looks glamorous you ad substance in a very skillful way, Even hiding the eyes was just perfect this is some gnarly and stylistic art and has an energetic vibe you have formulated something really nice here, great character here


Awsome character

I love the paint style of the art piece here the character and the paint style element is very nice I had a fun time with this and reviewing your work and do look forward to seeing and reviewing much more of your future stuff quite enjoyable thats the words I would use to describe this piece, The character is in perfect pose some great texture in color and blends Its always great when your goal is met and seems like thats what you have done here So awsome work here, and on top of all that the backrounds are very nice



This here was very creative some interesting creatures in this and nice paint style too I believe for themost-part of this you have done pretty good sometimes simple is good these types seem simple and you have shown that here with this not so simple style but more complex ideas, I like the paint style watercolor? thats what I liked about this its not just put out there but you really made it jump out so nice artwork today, Anyways a nice and creative piece here



A mecha or robot lol all is good love the shine and detail wouldnt mind even more sparkle and shine though, You do have a nice piece of work here and the visuals really come out well These types of pieces are always interesting and takes a bit of time to take it in but they are interesting and bring a little extra, Some very edgy and sharp design here and a great pose You have a nice piece of art here you brought out lots of nice elements in this and made it your own style, You could do a whole series on these guys


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