
17,993 Art Reviews

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Fantastic piece

Great moc up of this one love the bih hand and finger lol Some nice work on this one it's a fantastic piece and with pixel this is very nice lots of pixel comes through the art portal here but you really ad a new twist on things here and it's pretty nice so great work on this one


Wow nice

Now this was some intense work here this sort of reminds me of David lynch style of work on his films, Now this submission here is something unique and different and you really make it something special I can see the ambition on this and its at a rapid pace of success, The art texture is very deep here and you have some nice work with odd elements but make for a nice piece of art here, so some good and positive kudo's sent your way very nice a differant and just wildly awsome piece of art here, Once again beautiful work awsome texture and amazing depth of detail


Oh nice

Looks like some epic action in this one some very nice work indeed you have for sure got me doing a double turn on this one its a solid piece, The firepower looks pretty intense on this one hope you keep making these they are pretty nice


Tied up

I guess they are all tied up love the shine and detail like the hair and such I love the passionate curves of the whole scene that you bring to life on this one and it pleases me to review this very erotic element of artwork.


Fun character

So this was a nice character I love all the color you have in this one was really nice and the hotdog in winter cant go wrong lol, I must say I am absolutely enjoying your idea here It has suited me just right, Nice colorful character here



A cute character here it was very nice subtle but still pretty cute and some good detail the background was nice your work is always nice and some good character work



So this was nice a great character at work here, your talent alone can ignite a firestorm of art here, I also love the black and white version or the before points but some amazing work and once again nice talents on this art piece



I like the paint style in this one its like lost in the woods the color theme has that old style paint element, the character was cute almost feels like a comic here and stuff is about to happen lol, anyways nice art piece


HolyKonni responds:

Thank you for the nice comment. This character is from my upcoming comic "Bird show", that I'm currently working on.


So this was nice its kind of like a classic train scene hot gal peeka doo guy lol, the visual camera view of down the train was amazing and cant be easy to do but the characters and detail of the train really came out well here


Wow nice

Now this was a great cafe here love the lighting effects and color effects on this, you really bring on some nice visual detail with things on this one great character work too, I was really liking the work you put out here today awsome work here


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