
17,993 Art Reviews

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I like the flashy color in this one, Some nice art here Now this was some nice art here love the tank men style of art you have some nice talents and you showcase the tankmen in all there glory in this fine art piece, really nice detail all the way around


Cute submission So this was pretty cute here a nice toy like build here and looks nice with these types of colors really came off well I love that kind of color, but anyways some really nice art sunmission here it was a pleasure


Just a beautiful piece the detail in this shines and at dynamic visual here of that corner great character of tank man and the color is so beautiful it blends right in, so awsome work on this one its nice work indeed


Awsome character one of my faves from back in the eighties and on the rooftop with all the snow seemed to work well here just in time for christmas great gremlin character, I really enjoyed this piece you have brought everything here today, anyways once again awsome work


Very nice work here Not sure what Zwic is but I have to say whatever it is its pretty nice the scene here was amazing some very nice art style here too light in color and showed off some nice detail, So anyways some nice art style here


Nice work here I really like that you have lots of different characters in this one but they have a little bit of animated element and second you really bring on the color and so vibrant too awsome work indeed with the color and a nice art piece here so nice work



Test tube lock love this design I think some added animation of the liquid would have been nice bringing on your own twist and ideas to the art form and just made it your own while keeping the loce form strong and keeping it even artistic, it was a nice entry even if it is a lock element


Interesting lock stuff

Kombat lock this was a nice design even has some 3/D element the spikes on the hand and hair came off very nice I still enjoyed this lock piece so for me I have enjoyed your work here and hope to see more and its always nice to see some good lock art here, you gave it that extra push and drive


Disk art

so the disk art is looking pretty cool here I really like the detail and color tone here the second one was better with the black backing but overall both are pretty nifty in art, so some nice character and disk art


Cool lock element

Wine and sunshine notbad on the design its interesting to see two locks on one element You have really showcased some nice lock art and made for some good visual detail its pieces like this that make me remember the fun times with all the lock history but your design was really nice here


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