
17,993 Art Reviews

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Trev looks pretty scary here but wouldnt want to see him out of the toilet lol, The design and shades on this are very nice work indeed keep up the good work


Oh dang this here is an interesting creature here the colors are dark but theres a story here and some good formation on this one


You have really pushed the idea of simple and cute with this character and it was nice to see, but besides all that you made for some nice artwork here and a good submission, Keep up the amazing work.


Catinyt responds:

heee, thank you!

Sparkle and shine This was nice I love the swinging animation action here Now this was not just pixel elements but this has some nice sparkle and shine about it and that's what really drew me into this piece the pixel style always draws me in and you have created some nice pixel visuals here


Vockwell responds:

I appreciate the comprehensive review, mate. While I don't quite understand what you mean by sparkle and shine, I always try to add details to keep the eyes engaged.
Also, learn to punctuate

Now this was a fun little character the hair is so blue but love what you did with the eyes and shadow on the hairm a nice little fun character here its cute


A beautiful piece I love the diamond design here Love the pixel and visual and really bring out some nice details in this fine pixel piece, and we get pieces like this that really show us the shine and it's pixel art like this that speaks volumes of sparkle and shine


Now this was pretty impressive I love the teal color armour here some added sparkle might have topped this off but besides that this was amazing work great characters


Detailed Magic at it's best you have threw some of your own magic on this pixel art entry like the animation of it really flows, and it really shines pixel at it's best with that love because it's pixel like this that really shines and that's what I like here


Amazing character detail especially with what you did in the face the black backround was nice too, Lots of great depth to this character to it sofar you have the desire and its well done


OutworldArt responds:

Thank you very much!

A great character indeed and the color blends so well on this one love the blues and blacks here, A great showcase of some really nice art here while it is not perfect I still found a little something special in this one


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