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could be improved

Ok so this is simple as you stated, the white gives off that effect, and the light colors aswell, i think its too bland though and you still could have the bland whiter spots filled to make some other like "FLOWERS" in there that would still keep it the simple style while adding to it aswell, maybe some detailed flowers all in the bland spots but the flowers themself would standout with detail within them but also not take away from the main image at hand, just an idea that i think would really improve on this, i have really enjoyed all of your art and enjoy the feedback aswell, so keep making the awsome stuff you do and keep improving as i do notice the improvments with each and every new piece, As for this one it does need them bland points fixed up just abit but overall i really liked what you have here, anyways keep up the good work.

Fill in the bland spots maybe with some standout flowers or other type of props


Shikhs responds:

thanks for the review(actually more for the advice)Next one will be better

Destruction cool

Now here is something that caught my eye, as it did i added it as my faves, now this reminds me of a chaotic world of the future with still some remains of the great bridges and monuments still standing and i think you captured that as it is, really awsome texture, im not so sure if i like the view of it like looking upwards i would have liked to see the view shot from maybe up on a hill, so that you could possibly see more of the bridge in pieces maybe in the oacean and or just laying around, it would really look more better presented i thought, well just an idea anyways, but what you do have here is very impressive and great detail and effort you put into it, Im also thinking it might look even better with maybe a man standing there looking up at it or even maybe a lady and child, it would give that effect of something truly devistating has happened, again just another idea that might bring it out much better i thought, anyways really good stuff here.

some people in center view, maybe show off more of the destruction of it all aswell


Another great piece

Ok cool, this was neat its really neat to see the horses and the differant poses you have for them, and i like this one because there is differant color "TAILS" and such, and i do just love the "GRASS" you have its very realistic, and again with the "SUN" has some great effect to it and a good glow another very realistic effect, so nice job there, i think as an idea you should ad like birds and other animals or some little creature maybe hidden in the grass or something, but give the "SCENE" a more life like feel, you do very well an the drawings of the horses, so add a few other creatures in there. I also think this scene needs more in the backround like some "TREES" plants and so-on, again more scene realisim, but love it all great drawings here, keep up the awsome work, i look forward to seeing more from you soon.

some backround props, maybe other small animals around to make the scene feel more like you are there.


Another version

Ok so i saw the other one and since this one was simular thought i would review this one aswell, but anyways this one is a more realistic one, and its a black backround this time better then the latest one that had just white, Now it could be much better presented with something like a city backdrop or a chatic disator city scenes, even some other robot like characters or maybe just some planet scene, just an idea to work with for the next one, Now i do like what you have here this one looks more realistic and seems like you put a good amount of effort into this one aswell. so after seeing and reviewing two pieces of your artwork it has been a pleasure, but before i go a few more tips might help, on this face part seems like you have those lines again are those tears?? if not it might be interesting if you showed some, and i would suggest ad some "COLOR" in the mix of all this shiny metal, and one last thing would be to have the "FONT" more fancy style, anyways nice job from what i seen.

A few things like some added color, some fancier font/text and some backround scenes would be nice



Now here was something differant, the colors were abit simple but i like how you still gave a shine to it, and you still have a cyborg / robotic look which i think thats what it is, in the "FACE" it kinda looks sad like it almost wants to cry or something? even if it is a robot of some sort why dont you have it have a tear of some sort, its intersting though and an idea you could work with, you should have some effort in the backround like have some props or other people and or cyborg like creatures in the distance, and maybe you could add abit more "SHINE" to the metal as it seemed very little, its a good drawing and looks like lots of effort went into this, but could use a few fine-tuning up for a better outcome of it all, but overall really looks good wish there was some backround to this one though, anyways nice job here.

Some more shine to the metal ofcourse, some backround scene a city or other robot like creatures would be nice


Very pleased with this

So i thought i would review this glad to see you submitting more art, guess i scouted good heh, but anyways love the colors and how you blended the colos like from the lower leg and so on, the Yellowish goldish color for the horse, was interesting its super bright kinda like the simpsons cartoon characters, color i thought maybe you would have toned it to abit darker and all, but not really a big issue, but regardless it looks pretty impressive, Now as for the backrounds? i couldnt tell is that just an image or some other form of work? its a fiiting choice either way and there seems to be a "BLURR" effect right around the tree which i thought was pretty neat, so nice job there, I wouldnt mind seeing the horse have abit of texture in the yellowish, but again not a big issue, so how can this be improved, im not sure you seem to have everything in the right place good colors, The sunlight could be a tad brighter just in the back there, im thinking maybe the tail and or black parts could have some texture aswell but not much, unless you are going for the whole cartoony look then its fine, but anyways this was nice to seen and nice to see a good artist scouted here :) anyways nice job.

some texture in tails and skin, and maybe but not needed brighter lighting from the sun in the distance


Fresh lookingg

Hmm lots of nice detail here, first of all the character design is very welldone it has personality, lots of great use of color, even some decent backround coloring to match that up, a few things i noticed might not be that big of a deal, but like with the backround it matches up too much with the character clothing, maybe a differant shade of that simular color might work?? and the "FRAMES/BORDERS" was a nice touch but maybe it should be more "YELLOW-ISH" as to match up with the yellow details of the character, now thats something i could see working well together, and now your character a well designed one as i mentioned i personally think it has too much detail and too much focal points, like the yellow points, the glove the eye glasses and so on, Now really i enjoyed reviewing this character of art its well designed and you have an eye for detail, i mentioned a few tips in hope it helps if not then you have done a fantastic job already, your artwork is one of the few i seen with actual frames/borders so nice job there i always ike to see that, but anyways nice work here and look forward to seeing much more.

As above a few tips i thought would help, some color of changes with backrounds and even border/frames, other then that it was pretty impressive


Decent but could be better

Notbad of a drawing you have here, now there can be some improvments on a few areas, but first off i like the shades and effort that was put into this, and also noticed you put in angle, and what i think it busting out of the window, so there alone you have given your art piece some :ACTION-SCENE: which is really always neat to see in still art, now i do think you could present that better, like when he is busting out the window, now i did notice you did have some wind streaks which is neat but you have to give it the effect that he is really flying out so fast so a few more noticble streaks would sufice, also as for the breaking out part, now if its glass have glass chucks and pieces just flying everywhere might help and give more for the effect of the action scene, Now as for your character drawing it was notbad but could use some refining more improved line-work and character designs tend to take more effort and time, the shades look really good, and i am thinking if you put this through like photoshop and or paintshop pro bringing in some color and even effects like lighting and deeper colors, but anyways you can run some colors through this so it has a more satnding out look and with color it looks much better, well hope you found something from this review, good luck on your next entry.

I suggested a few ideas like shattered glas, more wind strokes, some color, and effects, and more refining of the drawing itself,


Another Fantastic planet

Ok so i checkedout the other one and now im here, this was simular to the last one, but this one is actually abit better, it seems to have a "SMOOTHER" feel and more better glow around the globe, also all the colors seem to glow and light up just right, now there does seem to be something in the middle, cant really figure that one out, but it looks pretty neat, so nice job there i really like the little touches here and there that really made this a much better piece then the other planet, now if i can suggest anything like the other planet piece i would say add some stars and even a shooting star in the space backround and again like the other one maybe a planet or two in the distance aswell, all these little extras will really give it that feel as one is there, something to think about if ever doing simular stuff, i would even go as far as to add maybe a sun in the backround with a super bright lightness to the main planet here at hand, but anyways this was really neat and i enjoyed it, hope to see more real soon.

kinda like the other one this needs some backround props and things like stars.


Shikhs responds:

Thank u

Love the texture

Love this art piece, it has a very nice texture from the paints/pencils im thinking more pencils? but anyways this little piece you have here really seems to tell abit of a story, now at-first i thought it was paintings in the backend there but as i looked at it much more it looks more like the window to the outside world which really made much more sense of it all, now he has a mask and just his hair showing off which was neat and good use of colors aswell as great textures, as to improve on this, i would work more on that window or bars you have back there give it more of a cleer look as to it looks like bars, i was un-clear there at-first so that might be something to work on or in a future painting, but really you have an awsome piece here and i was pleased to see it great stuff indeed. so just fix a few things as suggested its not even something that needs changing just my point of view.

not much but maybe make the window look more like bars or something of that matter.


KannibalKim responds:

yea i do have to work on it. It looks weird because of the waxy coating the colored pencils give off. but when i figure out how to get rid of that, i'll take another pic :D

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