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Nice color

Some nice color here, you always make some nice color and this was some nice characters here but love the vibrant color that you have added here with this one some really nice work and a fun view point here of the three monas so really nice work here.

no changes this was an awsome piece of color


A unique pixel experience

The animation along with the pixel design was amazing maybe some added flashy sparkles to top it off but overall this was pretty amazing, You really know how to make pixel shine at its best with some stylish points, and what I mean by that is in this submission here "IT-SPEAKS-VOLUMES" of style so "YOU-GET-MY-STYLISH-POINTS" on this one, and really encourage you to make many more great sprites in the future.

maybe some added flashy sparkles to top it off but overall this was pretty amazing


Nice once again

So once again you have presented some nice art here I love the light colors like the pinks and yellowish and a faded color at that, but besides that this was an amazing design you have here some very good element of visual and I was very pleased with this piece of fine art.

I feel no need for any changes needed as you have much talenent and showcase it very well.



So this was a nice group of different characters here love all the detail and color added here on this one they do seem cluttered but overall it was nice I would love to see a border or frame added on this though, but besides that this was pretty good work here.

would love to see a border or frame added on this


Pretty amazing art

Art that moves is always a nice element love the purple blast and such you did some nice work here this was some pleasing work, no major changes here, you also added some Expression to your work, So as I leave here this was an awsome piece and yet different from what people normally make but was glad to have a chance to review this

this was some pleasing work, no major changes here


Wow very nice

So the pixel day braught on some nice art pieces here just like this beautiful art piece here, there is no changes needed on this fine piece, Its always tricky finding the right words for the right pieces, not too harsh nor too easy on anything but lets get this one going regardless. This Radiates with fully good creativity and some nice style

there is no changes needed on this fine piece


Amazing Pixel elements

I love what you did with the plante there kind of seems like there could be more stars in the backround, You bring on some really good visual points this particular piece was a nice visual, It must take a good while to put something like this together but there is "SOME-GOOD-ENERGY" surrounding this, and "I-HAVE-ENJOYED-THIS" one, so keep doing what you do.

there could be more stars in the backround


Nice pixel style

Another great art piece you have here, great animation, almost feel like you should have more stuff going on in the backround, A nice style here in pixel form very nice indeed, This new era in pixel sure does bring in some nice elements of pixel art at its finest and best creations from all likes and forms this piece you have here is pretty amazing the "PIXEL-STYLE" shines with some nice glory.

almost feel like you should have more stuff going on in the backround


A unique element

Nic e pixel seems like you could have had more animation on this one, You have presented some "BEAUTIFUL-PIXEL" here anyways really nice work on "THIS-PARTICULAR-PIECE", Pixel is like that elegant brother and here you have made some elegant pixel and thats what I like about it so really nice work here and keep this style going strong.

seems like you could have had more animation on this one


Pixel is beautiful

Very cute I love the visual here and formation of all the pixel, no changes needed here, A fine form of a beautiful visual so thats a pleasure to see pixel at its finest, Pixel is an artistic style and you have mastered it here in this piece so nice work indeed, I hope you keep making great "PIXEL-STYLES" of nice artwork such as this one and all of its artistic values.

I love the visual here and formation of all the pixel, no changes needed here


Blissfree responds:

Thank you very much! I appreciate the time you took to review this <3

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