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wow that was intense its like a black and white theme here with some added color really love what you did with the eyes here and adding some color the mane or hair was very well done some very nice artwork here and some great detail this was just a beautiful piece of artwork and I really liked it so nice job indeed.

you cant change such a beautiful art piece so I think this is fine with no changes.


Fantastic one here

Love the color in this one very nice character Great character work here its stuff like this that I really get to enjoy over time, so keem making those smooth lines, sharp edges and curvy points, I enjoy your character work like you have done here, so nice job here and look forward to much more of what you may present us.

A beautiful art piece you have here and there for no need any changes on this fine piece of art


Optional-BossFight responds:

Thank you!


And that was a nice and amazing piece of art here really good detail and some amazing lighting effect too so really nice work here on this one you do some amazing work love the dark element plus the lighting effects that really make this to be something unique and different so good job here and hope to see more work from you soon

No changes here this was a beautiful piece


Great pose

Such a great pose you have here I love the pose the dark element also really nice structure of the characters too I do wish there was more background scene or backdrop but overall this was a nice art piece so great work here

Some backdrop would be nice



So here was some nice action mode of pick and looks like he's having some fun here a nice action pose good use of color and an overall nice piece of art a great farmilluar character here but anyway I like your creative style here

No suggestions this time around


Very nice and cool

Wow this was something really good here with this one the pixel element is really nice too and you have some nice work here I really like the work here some added background might be nice too anyways great stuff here

Some background pixel element or something suble like a backdrop


This was cool

So this was pretty cool it's nice to have a timeline of all the characters and game systems and such info this was pretty nifty and nice to see all the changes down the road it must be much bigger by now but I found this piece to be pretty good here so no changes on this timeline

No changes on such beautiful work and design


Plush ville

Well you can't go wrong with some nice plushies like you have here there's are really nice looking and seem like the kind they might be the type you could sell at stores so for the athentic look this was cool so nice job on this one

Well you can't change a good thing so no changes here


MoriChax responds:

Thanks! Actually Dan Paladin of Behemoth bought the design from me and used them to make their plushies. You can buy them https://store.thebehemoth.com !!

Very nice

So this was cool and you have a nice lighting effect here it was pretty bright the red colortones was notbad either a nice demon like character here maybe less brightness on this and more darker reds anyways great job here


Really nice

So this was really nice work I love the character combo pose you have here on this one would love if there was some added shine like on the jewlry and glasses as an idea ofcourse, and maybe even some added backround detail, anyways great art characters here

would love if there was some added shine like on the jewlry and glasses as an idea ofcourse


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