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This one here is a good action scene and it's basically what you said it is a lion attacking a woman would be nice to see some background with this though it's a good dealing though just needs some background

Just needs some background to it



So this was a cute piece here I love the view shot inwich you have this the falling snow is nice too and there is some nice color too all around a nice character design here on this piece I like your work here anyway untill next time

Make more color themes like this


Nice comic

so this was pretty cool I like the comic here this was a nice idea your comic style is really good here I really like the texture within the comic and all the color is really nice so nice job indeed I hope to see more of your comic soon

Make more


Love this

Love the nastalgic color and old style theme you have some outstanding talent and color use as for changes I dont see any need to change anything on this beautiful piece, So I hope you continue those standards because it does show well. And those are the types of art work I really enjoy reviewing, so keep doing what you do and keep bringing the talent

as for changes I dont see any need to change anything on this beautiful piece


Very nice

This one is cool I love the whole casino element I love casinos so this was close to my heart here you really made for some nice ideas here, I would ad some kind of frame work on this piece would focus more on the main focus, This was pretty neat, shows off some of your skill and shows some even more of the effort put into this, so thats always a plus, you can really tell when someone puts the time in on something and this one

I would ad some kind of frame work on this piece would focus more on the main focus


Adorble character

Well here was an adorble character the white backround seems like it could use some design backdrop or even some props, I actually found this kind of art pretty nifty, you dont actually see this all the time and its always nice to see people making stuff like this as it is creative and stylish.

the white backround seems like it could use some design backdrop or even some props


Gloomlie responds:

Agreed! I'm glad you liked it! Backgrounds aren't really my forte, but I've been working on improving them so they'll be featured in future art pieces for sure! Thank you so much for the feedback!! :D

Dark and scary

So this was a nice and dark element you have here the texture is so deep very welldone on the deep texture, almost seems like if you had a glowing eyes or something mught make more of a creepy feel, Its always nice to see stuff like this, very unique. And now before I head out from this review, Just wanted to say a few words and that would be that keep up this kind of unique style

almost seems like if you had a glowing eyes or something mught make more of a creepy feel


Some nice characters

some nice characters here love the color use here but you always have a way with the color would love some depth in the border, In a way this was Symbolic, I like the Polish you gave this, and my Overview of this is that you have done something pretty awsome here. And on an ending note you Appropriately pushed the limits on this

would love some depth in the border


Making some cake

So this was kind of nice they are making some cake and there character designs are nice nice color too I think some added backround splatter from cake mix might have been a good direction, I was pleased with all you did here, you created something good here and it was a unique and something differant I liked it.

I think some added backround splatter from cake mix might have been a good direction



Wow this was a beautiful piece of art here the paint style here was amazing you can see every stroke of detail here on this one and is really nice work I love the fine detail here you do some amazing work and you showcase it so well I really love the visual and paint style on this beautiful piece of art work but anyways I'll end this review here but keep making awesome stuff I love your work here

Make more beautiful stuff like this


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