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3d is Cool

A nice idea here seems like you could have showcased more visuals on this but regardless its a nice 3-D element, You have presented us with some nice view point of 3d here and I was pretty impressed with how slick this really does look, and this one here was very slick and well "DEFINED" on the shapes and corners so nice job on "BRINGING" some nice 3d to the portal as you have done here.

A nice idea here seems like you could have showcased more visuals on this but regardless its a nice 3-D element



A colorful character here love her hair but all the amounts of color in this piece is really nice and really comes out well im wonderring if besides the grey backround maybe a different colored backround might have worked better, anyways great character here.

im wonderring if besides the grey backround maybe a different colored backround might have worked better


Cappuchilla responds:

Thank you for the advice!

I decided against a coloured background as I wanted the focus on the character and having too much colour can make a piece look too busy :)

This was cute

so this was cute I like the comic cartoony style art here and the little character was just adorble and made for some nice focus with the creature behind her a nice artwork here very talented, I have no imput for changes on this one so nice work on this piece

I have no imput for changes on this on


Kidgalactus responds:

Thanks so much!

3-D with style

Very nice seems like you could ad more lighting or some lighting on that darker end just a little, A top notch piece and just by the visual you have outdone yourself, you bring some nice 3-D with a unique style, Its that style that I enjoy about this particular piece "FROM-THE-POLISH-TO-THE-ACTUAL-DESIGN" here, so really nice work here, and I will say keep up the great 3-D work.

you could ad more lighting or some lighting on that darker end just a little


a nice group of characters

So this was a nice group of characters here very nice and fresh colors love all the different expressions its one of those happy go lucky pieces and it stands out so really nice work with this one, a very nice art style and very talented good detail here

just make more


flopicas responds:

Thank you so much!!! I'm happy you like it!

Some Fine 3-D

It amazes me what can be done with 3-d programs and whatnot, that shine is so realistic, no changes needed here other then maybe some added backround effects, I love the fresh look and fine detail and its very smooth as all 3-d seems to be so really nice work here, You have a nact for this "3-D" stuff and it really shows off well, your design is "SILKY-SMOOTH" and you added some nice elements to make this even better, so "REALLY-NICE-JOB" here on this one.

no changes needed here other then maybe some added backround effects



So this was a nice and colorful piece of art the pinks and purples are nice and this was a nice, not sure what this protains too but its a nice art piece and even artistic in its own right very creative aswell you have a nice design of art here, ever think about adding some borders to relate to the focus might be an idea,

ever think about adding some borders to relate to the focus might be an idea


Shane-Frost responds:

I appreciate your thoughts and inputs, my friend. I really do. Generally speaking sometimes I make art like this that follows off feelings rather than logic so it won't always seem like it makes a lot of sense. Heck I don't get it myself at this point, but looking at it, just makes me draw my own thoughts and conclusions again.

That's one of the fun parts about art, mm?


Beautiful would love some added sparkle maybe more dominant sparkle then you have not just a suggestion, A nice creation here, some nice elements of design here you gave it a fresh look and some beautiful design here I was pretty impressed with this as whole, a really "FRESH-DESIGN" you have here, and a "NICE-CREATION" you have some nice work and hope you make more like this one.

some added sparkle maybe more dominant sparkle then you have not just a suggestion


Beautiful use of color

Wow this whole piece was nice it sort of reminds of the 80s the color theme seem to represent that wouldnt mind more shine and glare on the stars but you have some nice art style and a good detailed character of art here very nice work here I hope you make more colorful pieces

wouldnt mind more shine and glare on the stars but you have some nice art style


Ruedefaux responds:

thanks a lot :D

cool group

So this was a cool group of characters here that backround really represents the setting for the characters and theres lots of great characracters maybe an added frame on this might accent the characters more visualy, anyways a good character group of art here.

an added frame on this might accent the characters more visualy


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