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Reviewing Tips With Xwayne

Posted by XwaynecoltX - July 6th, 2010

Reviewing Tips With Xwayne

Before we get to some tips, Click link below and FOLLOW-ME and will review anything you have, you will get a nice quality review.


A little about me, now I am not the best reviewer by any means, but I have reviewed a few in my time here on newgrounds, and have learned alot over the past 10 years, my review style has changed over the years as i have seen the site grow and change, I try and write atleast a good paragragh on the content i am reviewing, i Try and give as much tips and points as possble without having to make a book out of it, you dont need to write a book of a review, but it shouldnt be a couple of lines either, but we are all guilty of that at some point, The point is you do learn and get better as time goes on, So remember if you like to review or are just a casual reviewer, give helpful tips, where you see it needed for improving on.

@@@ Here are a few reviewing tips I always go by when reviewing anything from flash, Art, Audio, Lit, and so-on

Before the tips be sure to read the FAQ on the review guidlines and rules that newgrounds has established for us to follow, These rules have been put up so that we dont scare off artists, but so that maybe they can learn a few things maybe its something they didnt see before, maybe its something they can improve on, But the most important thing we as reviewers can help with is, the little things that may improve on something from the content, There are alot of New users all the time, so there first submissions are at times iffy, so if we can point out a few helpful tips, there time here on newgrounds should be a more pleasent one not just for them, but for everyone who watches or plays there submissions.

In a Review it is always good to comment on what parts you enjoyed but dont forget try and comment on things and ways they can improve, maybe give them a new idea of how a scene could have gone, but dont take away from there own ideas they are trying to present, Maybe its a color that could really bringout a backround, or maybe they left a few spots blank, give the artist ideas on how the Art could be presented in a much better way so that they do get better results.

Now sometimes we cant always enjoy everything we see, but that doesnt mean we need to embarase the artist, or say how bad it is, instead think of a way to suggest improving on those points, such as a "STICK MAN" while that may be the the best they know how to do at the time, suggest ways of how they can create a more character designed character, or even suggest other flash works that show how to design characters, animation and sofourth,

Now what is a good or a bad review, ofcourse a very negitive review towards the auther or there work is not wanted by newgrounds, So Try not to go down that rout, Like my mother always said, if you have nothing good to say dont say it at all lol, But if there is truly something that bothers you about the flash art and or audio try and suggest how it could be better suggest ways they could do things differant, or a little touch up here and there, by giving new and existing ideas, we may inspire the artists to improve and eventually get better, and thats the main goal of helping someone.

@@@ Some other Tips really good things to remember when reviewing.

#1 Have a Helpful and Respectful attitude.

#2 Watch, Listen, Read, And look at everything you are going to review in its entirety

#3 Take your time with each review and each content you are reviewing, Dont Rush, Rushing only causes errors and besides you want to give as much tips and help as possible rushing will just make for a sloppy review, and probably wont get everything across to the artist at hand.

#4 Pay close attention to story, theme, Plot, Exposition, Narration, Characters, Dialogue, as for audio it would be all instraments, all sounds, Vocals, ending, loop gap, backround songs, and so on, as for ART, everything from is it an Action scene, characters, backrounds, color use, orginality, style and so on, As for Littature, would be very simular to above for flash.

#5 Expect Criticism from your reviews especially if you were abit on the bolder side, aswell as giving a lower score.

#6 If giving a lower score also back it up with ways to improve, with good suggestions.

#7 Enjoy reviewing, like i do? then do enjoy it enjoy it because it also is helping someone else, enjoy writing reviews in a helpful way.


Well hope you enjoyed this little Reviewing tips which i have adapted from experience and writing a review or two, My own review style has changed over the years and learned how i could get better in helping others improve on there delightful creations.




Thanks for the tips!

no problem.


And stay away from the 10 and 0 ratings of at all possible: they're both overused to the point of meaningless now. Giving something a 9 or 1 instead makes your review stand out more, and usually shows you've actually thought about it as opposed to morons who only think 'LOL' or 'FAIL'.

yeah i suppose, i have not rated a movie less then a 4 in years though, and i may give a 9 now and then.


hey man thanks for the advice i made a trailer video to my next flash and i was wondering if you would like to review it i made the video at goanimate.com but i cant figure out how to record the video with out having random ads on it for some website the better looking video is on my website go to my Newgrounds account and click The website then go to videos and those are all the animations i have made so far if you would like you could join the site and be the review guy its and offer but i don't care if you decline

I see your reviews a ton when I do icons lol



Im glad to have you here on NG =)

Constructive critism isnt gladly seen here, tough. That makes me so sad sometimes...

Have a nice time and keep reviewing =)



Nice to see you lead a good example as #1 reviewer.






So pleased that you always set a good example- as you are with this advice. I truly believe that reviewing is very important. I really feel proud when an author writes and thanks me for the feedback etc. I am happy to say that that has happened hundreds of times, of course, which helps to keep me going. I feel especially good if the author is dissappointed with the score I give, but still appreciates my attempts to help.
I really feel pleased when The X reviews my work and is happy, because I know that you speak from so much experience.

Thank you


Hey buddy, I am now in the Top Ten!



Now I get to review your review tips hahaha.0



I have been banned for the next 30 days, even though everything I wrote was in a paragraph! I thought that would be enough.


Nice tips X! Good to see you still active after all these years =)

Thanks :)

For a moment there, I thought you stopped reviewing, but you're back after a few months!

i never really go away


You should review something I've made... Simply because you never have. WTF.



moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo



Nice guide.
I'm not a very good reviewer. Though compared to newgrounds as a whole I'm probably well above average.
A lot of the time I'm lazy and just write a 2-line review. I also sometimes write one or multiple paragraphs.



AN excellent read, Xwayne. If only more reviewers would view the review space as a place to leave a sincere observation rather than a comment box where one would just post inane statements.

I myself have also taken some of my time to address the problem with most reviewers and their lack of etiquette in an earlier news post this year that you may find relevant.

<a href="http://artdanval.newgrounds.com/news/post/561819">http://artdanval.newgrounds.com/news/

You may comment on it if you wish, as I appreciate any thoughts I can gather on what I speak towards. You have my respect, as you certainly seem devoted to your place as Newgrounds' most fervent Flash critic.




Hello good sir.

I really enjoy your reviewing tips. It provided me with some more ideas on how I can be a good critic. I think I might add some of your ideas to my guide, while of course crediting you. Also, I am stealing your Newgrounds Stats. Because I am evil.

Good day.



Thanks a lot for your reviews, there always great!

You are welcome.


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