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Kinda short

So this was sorta short, and i understand its another drum loop, but this one seems like you can do so much more with it, maybe a long string of drums with differant tempos and such you can also throw in some backround effects, just a few ideas that could make this more into something then just a loop, now as for the loop, its pretty good, could be a tad longer though. anyways hope to hear more of your work soon.

So i suggested a few ideas, that may or may not help, but in anycase i hope it does, maybe a long string of drums with differant tempos and such you can also throw in some backround effects

Has a cute sound

so this has a cute sound too it, and as remix from a castlevania i was not expectiong that, sounded more like a retro game or even mario gameboy game or something so i was impressed with the total retro feel of it, now thw loop is too short, you could really go with something like this making it longer and with other nifty sounds, but this was just way too short, needs more depth too it but for sure more unque and longer sounds too it.

you could really go with something like this making it longer and with other nifty sounds, making it longer and with other nifty sounds, Try adding something differant like differant instraments and even other odd and unique sounds to add to what you already have making something more intense and differant.

Kinda neat

Its always tunes like this i like they bring something differant and special to the portal, and you did a pretty decent job with this one, made it pretty entertaining for all, now ofcourse there could be some improvments but thats with every tune that comes thru the portal. I really like the acoustic in this that was something differant and unique, And the piano was another nice touch aswell, I also liked the sound of the flute in this piece

So with this one its hard to suggest any improvments, as this was pretty good and solid all the way thru, i guess it could be longer.

Differant Sounding

And here was a cool tune, at first i didnt know what to expect but soon after as the music really kicked in it was actually pretty good and i really took a liking to it, so nice start to this as it shows lots of effort and a really interesting tune of sounds. This one was abit differant there was a voice at the start kind of neat and that makes it more unique, It was a simple beat but has a good sound to it and makes for some decent tune, I thought the "VOCALS" really pushed this forward and made it that much more interesting. And as this tune comes to an end i must say it was pretty decent, not sure what to improve on it but i enjoyed this piece and really look forward to more of this style soon, anyways great work here.

Well as above mentioned this is notbad at all, not sure where to make it better if it can be, as it already has a decent tone and sounds, but there is always room for making tracks better, so give it a try, try some new stuff, and try some of the ideas and tips in here, it wouldnt hurt to try atleast. So with that said I suppose my recomandation is maybe add more mixture of sounds, and some more build up in the backround wouldnt hurt.

Unique sounds

And once again i have come across a nicr track here, cant say its perfect but it has some good points about that and for any bad points well all that can be fixed up and improved but as for this i like what you have started here. I really like what you did here with the "ECHO" it was a nice effect that i think you could really use more of at times, The drums came into effect just at the right time, making for a great combo effect with other effects so nice job there, There was some good bass also. So with the whole tune in my head it was a good reliefe to finally finish it, i was generall pleased with this, right from the start with some good effects and a good touch of skills put into this and cant wait for more from you.

Decent music submission here i was really taken back by all the differant sounds and how you made it all come together, there could be some extra improvments to make it even better, they are just some ideas but your music track is pretty good as is. I thought for some improving points maybe add more effects, maybe more mixes and differant sounds would be a nice unique change to this and ofcourse more build up with the echo effect you already have in here.

Decent tune

Now here we have a good tune, something with a good solid and even unique sounding at times, so its a great strat of a track, there was some decent quality to it and overall was a nice listen. But anyways this was notbad had a nice soft and pleasent tune while still having some other differant tones in the track, The "DRUMS" were the best part and seemed to make everything balance out, This seemed like it could be used in some "VIDEO-GAME" had that kind of sound to it, But i must say that this was pretty good tune i was enjoying it, there was no real negitive points except for a few basic stuff, but overall a decent track here.

So what can i say here, this was a pretty decent track and if theres anything to improve its very little as this tune was pretty solid on its own. So as i said there was nothing really as it was a top notch tune, keep up the awsome work.

Enjoyed it

Here is a nice track to listen too, its a good tune and i have enjoyed it for what it is, now ofcourse there is always room for improvments but i will get to thatlater, but i do like the effort you have put into this so nice job there. This tune had a mix of differant stuff and moods and that was pretty nice i thought, The "PIANO" was very pleasent and made it more enjoyble so that was a nice touch i thought, This tune also had a sense of "INSPIRATION" to it and that made things much more enjoyble aswell, Then there wer the drums in wich also gave a nice feel along with the piano so nice touch there, So in the end this was a pretty good and solid tune, A nice tune here something i can listen to throughout the day or a stroll along the beach so nice tune i really liked it.

So with this where do i start for ideas of improving With music its allways a hard choice, and most of the time its just something little and not really needed, but for the most of this it was pretty good. This was a pretty good solid tune so i thought there was no need for any real improvments as its pretty solid.

F-777 responds:

Thanks so much!! Crazy long review, you are awesome!

Nifty tune

So a decent start here to a decent tune, it really feels differant then most tunes on here, and thats what dew me to it especially the start of this so nice job there. I really like what you did here with the "DRUMS" they really play a big part of the whole tune in my opinion, There was alot of mixture and variaty in this and i really liked that, it was not lacking in anything really, lots of great sounds that you pushed forward in this and thats what did it for me, You presented a decent track here with some unique sounds, and some decent quality it it all, making for a decent track and i really came to enjoy it right from the start. anyways good tune here.

As for improving on this, not sure but i may have a few ideas, but not much as these tunes are pretty solid on there own and do very well stand alone aswell. I guess if anything can be improved it would be more on asense to stretch it out longer and even adding more variaty would be a plus.

Another decent tune

Decent tune here this one was kinda dark feeling but maybe that was the intent and thats ok cause it made it kinda nifty that way, There was some good quality about this whole piece even with the decent dark side of things, it played along very well with some good quality and such, There was some good build up in this, and kept on flowing with a fantastic style and just an enjoyble tune and overall was pretty decent, cant think of anything to really improve on this, since it was a decent tune and had lots of quality about it, other then that it was good stuff.

So as for making this betteror improvment, I thought it was fine as is.

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